Some people could possibly contact Beardsley Reservoir their personal heaven due to the occasionally fantastic trout fishing. Some may well swear it can be the other location because of limited, primitive facilities, a typical low water level and afternoon winds. Get much more details about beardsley lake
Yet of the a huge selection of lakes inside the Sierra Nevada, it can be Beardsley that normally delivers a number of the finest trout fishing in California following initial getting opened, in conjunction with numerous side trips and nearby cabin-style lodging.
Beardsley is positioned east of Sonora, up close to Strawberry along Highway 108. This reservoir is set in a deep canyon around the Middle Fork Stanislaus River, some 2,000 feet below the ridge. So though the actual elevation at the lake is 3,400 feet, exactly where spring is taking hold, Beardsley has the really feel of a lake set at considerably higher elevations.
This can give rise to a fish-catching phenomenon that lots of could dream about. I've had quite a few April days at Beardsley exactly where the trout appear to shout, "Catch me!" -- which includes brown trout inside the 15- to 22-inch class. Soon after the lake has been closed for five months, the trout normally appear to overlook concerning the wiles of anglers.
Upon arrival, the very first factor you can notice is that the lake is now 55 % full, which could possibly look quite low. Basically, it is best. The lake typically fishes very best when it really is low, not full, because it is much easier to seek out the submerged ledges and drop-offs where the fish school. Using the snowpack at Sonora Pass now melting, Beardsley is projected to rise over the following two months and present a far more classic setting.
The facilities are limited, the services nonexistent. There's a boat ramp, parking region and a primitive Forest Service campground (nevertheless closed earlier this week) that consists of places to park self-contained RVs or pick- up trucks with camper shells, or pitch a tent.
An additional issue may be the late-afternoon wind, using a westerly breeze that whistles up the canyon in spring. Some loathe it, however it can unlock the bank vault: With a compact boat, in the event you let the wind push you over the submerged ledges, your speed will match that of food drifting by. We've tested this with dozens of offerings: The top strategy is to thread a night-crawler on your hook and line so it lies completely straight, then trail it 17 inches behind a set of hammered brass/silver Cousin' Carl Half-Fast flashers.
Several side adventures can furnish a lot more highlights. When Sonora Pass is cleared of snow, which typically happens in early Could, a must-do would be the trip up Highway 108 for the Donnells Vista. Considering that Donnells Reservoir is set within a deep gorge and generally is kept quite low in the spring (now only 18 percent complete), the view into the gorge will probably be eye-popping gorgeous. This can be a baby Yosemite Valley with towering granite walls, a miniature El Capitan, and numerous waterfalls.
There's also access for the Middle Fork Stanislaus downstream of Beardsley Dam, with an unsigned river trail offered. Fly-fishing, catch-and-release, for modest natives is usually superior; the trout season for mountain streams opens April 24.
The resort at little Pinecrest Lake at Strawberry delivers additional nearby options for boating, fishing and lodging, together with the marina opening April 23.