
Are RT-PCR Coronavirus Home Tests the Best?
Coronavirus testing has become extremely crucial in diagnosing the virus at the righttime, so that medical treatment can begin before its too late. Right now, wehave three testing methodologies available covid19 antibody test kit, antigen testing kit and RT-PCR. Out of the three,RT-PCR test kits are the most accurate and provide the results at the righttime.
RT-PCR:The Safest Bet
RT-PCRtesting kits try to identify the RNA of corona virus and then transcode intoits DNA. It provides sure shot results, which makes it the safest bet in thepresent times. On the contrary, antibody and antigen test kits return negativetests in cases where the testing is done in the earlier stages of infection.So, it is likely that an infected person can go undetected if RT-PCR kits arenot used.
ChooseCoronavirus Home Tests
Going outfor getting a test done is a risk that you can avoid with Corona virus Home Tests. If the test kit is supplied from a reliable source such asCitation Bioscience and tested at a CLIA certified lab, the results are almostalways correct. Moreover, you can order the kits for your whole family and savea lot of money as bundled kits cost less.