Affiliate Booster Theme Guide + Review
Affiliate Booster Theme Guide + Review
The only theme in the market which is made for affiliates is very popular, and the package it comes with is the reason behind it. Affiliate booster theme is not just another common theme available in the market, it is the one-stop solution for affiliate marketers and bloggers.

Promoting affiliate marketing products using a WordPress theme has been fairly easy after the introduction of affiliate booster theme.This is a weapon of choice for affiliates for performance-based marketing, andit allows affiliate marketers to use the theme and plug-in to control page blocks and helps in placing and keeping rank in Google featured snippets.

The main reason behind its popularity is the ease of use andthe versatility of it, which allows the user to perform multiple time-consuming and tough tasks very easily, and in a very short time.

Importance of Affiliate booster theme

Some of the prime ranking factors of SERP can be Schemaoptimization, speed, SEO score, and responsive design of the page, and without proper standard of which a blogger can be fine, but it is not the same foraffiliate marketers, and that is why a good WordPress theme is necessary. Anaffiliate booster theme was developed with keeping page speed in mind.

The requirement of conversion optimization, publishing of professional reviews, showcasing USPs or proving comparison, marking the prosand cons of an item while mentioning other products as comparisons, rating system and videos, and overall control over the website with full customization ability cannot be achieved by the random website theme, and this problem callsfor a single booster theme for affiliate marketers.   

Benefits of Affiliate booster theme

The only theme in the market which is made for affiliates isvery popular, and the package it comes with is the reason behind it. Affiliatebooster theme is not just another common theme available in the market, it isone-stop solution for affiliate marketers and bloggers. Some of the notablefeatures that come with it may include as:

•             LoadingSpeed

The key to generating more traffic on a website is the faster loading speed. Research suggests that websites lose a huge number of traffic if it takes too long to load properly. Ranking high in SERP depends onthe loading speed and more than the three-second window of loading time makes the bounce rate higher, which negatively affects the overall ranking. Improvingloading time requires the help of a good and fast loading theme, and anaffiliate booster theme is the best tool to do so. 

•             Schemaoptimization

Schema markup makes use of unique semantic vocabulary to adda code to the target website which helps the search engine understand themeaning of it to gather and display more information results in compact format.Using microdata to gain better result in search engine includes schema markup,which gives an edge over the competition in results. Affiliate booster is knownto be almost 100% schema optimized, and it is very important to use such aWordPress theme for a higher SERP ranking.

•             Searchengine optimization score

The primary target of a WordPress theme is to give thetarget website a proper and god look. Apart from that, it is most important forthe website to become SEO friendly. Search engine optimizations involve thewebsite becoming easy to find via search engine while understanding the contentand generating more traffic to it. It uses crawlers to browse and make rankingto a website from a search engine. A website that uses a proper theme that isdesigned to be SEO friendly is certainly to be placed on top of search engineresults. Affiliate booster theme review is incomplete without mentioning thebenefit it delivers to upgrade and maintain SEO score. Know about affiliate booster theme pros and cons

•             Beingmobile responsive

The rise of the smartphone made sure that the use of theinternet can be prevalent. If the user is accessing a particular website fromhis mobile device, the responsive WordPress theme of the website allows it toadjust itself according to the user device screen size. If the website does notadjust to the device screen, the user is most certainly to leave. Beingmobile-friendly is one of the key factors that ensure a high rank in searchengine results. Affiliate booster theme acts as a responsive theme to improvethe user experience and make the website or blog adjustable as per the user’sdevice screen.  

•             Pagebuilder compatible

Installing the affiliate booster allows the user to accesspopular page builders with it, which enables landing page design or postingdesigns fairly easy. Affiliate booster is compatible with most popular pagebuilders like Elementor, Thrive Architect and Beaver builder and likes of such.

•             Ease ofcustomization

Theme is necessary to make the website look more beautiful,and using affiliate boosted enables us to do so by allowing full customization.It is possible to upgrade page layouts, header layouts, single post designs,body and content background colouring, advanced typography, custom scripts,footer and widget options etc using affiliate booster. Using the bestcustomization techniques can give the website user a better experience and thewebsite will respond properly to different devices as well.    

Affiliate booster plug-in

Affiliate booster theme download comes with a free affiliatebooster plugin that empowers Gutenberg blocks. This plug-in is very user friendlyand beneficial for affiliate marketing, and it is easier to increase CTR andimprove sales. Affiliate booster plugin comes with nine different Gutenberg addelement, such as:

1.            Singleproduct block

This was designed to highlight the most notable feature of aproduct, thus improving sales and website traffic.   

2.            Dynamicblock

This block is useful for facilitating any type of design and beautification using creativity.

3.            ComparisonTable

Customers like to know how their choice of products differentiates from other products. It is a time-consuming thing to do the manual designs, butwith an affiliate booster plugin, this takes very little time.

4.            Good-Badblock

Showing the pros and cons of a product make the customermore interested in the product itself, and this helps increasing moreconversion.

5.            Top pickproduct

Showcasing a particular product to prove its uniquenessboosts the sale. For people who are short on time, or do not wish to do a lotof research about their purchase, this showcasing can help them make theirchoice. Using affiliate booster plugin, it is very easy to build the top pick.

6.            Call to action block

Persuading the user to take a specific step or perform an action is done via this block. It helps the visitor or the user to decide the next step to take.

7.            Boosternotice block

This block helps drawing the visitor’s notice to some important feature of the product. It is useful for the users who scroll rapidly.

8.            Notificationblock

This block is used to draw the visitor’s attention to someimportant notice and it is important to promote some specific items.

9.            Buttonand star rating block

These blocks can be used along with other blocks orseparately.


Affiliate booster theme pricing depends on the number oflicenses required.

•             It couldbe for single websites, fifty websites or unlimited websites, and the pricesalso vary accordingly.

•             It is 20USD for a single website license, 40 USD for fifty site license and 70 USD forunlimited licenses, which could be argued about being a little costly, thoughthe company is offering 25% discount currently.

•             Thepackages also include a free affiliate booster plug-in which makes this dealsweeter. Comparing to others, the affiliate booster theme is cheaper whileoffering much more features.

Customer support

Affiliate booster takes customer complaints very seriously,and the technical support team engages the issue raised and resolves it withinas little time as possible.

•             Thededicated dashboard offers multiple user tutorials and videos which are alsovery helpful and going through which might help solve some minor issues likeinstallation, license details, and basic guide.

•             Uponraising an issue, the support team decides whether it is a bug or lack of userskill.

•             If it abug, the issue is solved as soon as possible, and if the issue is due to user’slack of skill, the proper guidance is provided.

•             Affiliatebooster also has a Telegram channel for buyers that can help with any issuesregarding the booster theme or plug-in.          

Final verdict 

Affiliate booster is the number one useful theme foraffiliates. The ease of use and the performance it delivers is unmatched by anyother themes. Anyone can use it though it is mostly the choice of affiliatemarketers for its high SEO optimization, very high website speed and wide arrayof customization options.

Some might argue that the only drawback of this theme isthat it is a little costly on an unlimited site license, but given the factthat affiliate booster theme comes with free affiliate booster plug-in, theargument becomes invalid, as no other theme comes anywhere near this offer. Theaffiliate booster plugin is currently one of the best plug-ins for an affiliateblogger in the market.

The UI that affiliates booster uses is under constantupgrade, so it is safe to expect greater things in the future. Overall, itwould be safe to declare that the affiliate booster theme is unmatched and bestchoice for affiliates.

Also Read: Affiliate Booster Theme Review