A Primer on Guardian Link’s no-code NFT launchpad
A Primer on Guardian Link’s no-code NFT launchpad
The WHYs and HOWs of Guardian Link’s no-code NFT launchpad

Guardian Link, a Blockchain R&D company, is bringing the creator-friendly no-code concept and NFTs together with a launchpad that will help non-technical people tokenize anything. Built on a robust Blockchain ecosystem, this Launchpad helps them set afoot in the NFT environment within a few minutes. 


This launchpad from Guardian Link provides a hands-on environment for NFT creators with self-publishing tools and functionalities. Moreover, it is designed to dissuade the fears of first-time NFT creators and bolster their dream NFTs with necessary in-built features.


Guardian Link’s no-code Launchpad will:


  • Provide access to avant-garde tools and functionalities that will be one of a kind.

  • Allow the creators to communicate with their NFT community through an interactive interface.

  • Bestow unique value on NFTs that creators can leverage to drive home the profits.

  • Provide holders of those NFTs with an ecosystem to trade-off their minted tokens.


NFT collectors relish the experience that comes along with every unique token. However, for the creators, embedding a hassle-free experience is a big challenge these days. That’s where Guardian Link’s no-code NFT launchpad plunges in with its utilitarian ecosystem to provide a never-seen-before token experience for the collectors.


As of now, Guardian Link only has a well-equipped Launchpad; however, the company has plans for unearthing an NFT marketplace soon. It might make Guardian Link a viable NFT company that supports creators and artists from less fortunate parts of the world.