
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, pruritic, inflammatory skin condition that mostly affects children but also affects a large number of adults. Atopic dermatitis is characterised by skin dryness, erythema, oozing and crusting, and lichenification. Pruritus is a common symptom of the disease and accounts for a significant portion of the disease burden for patients and their families.
Atopic dermatitis drug to minimize side effects (pruritis and dermatitis), prevent exacerbations, and reduce the severity of symptoms. Topical anti-inflammatory preparations and moisturization of the skin are usually used in the treatment of these patients, but severe cases may require phototherapy or systemic therapy.
What causes atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis (AD) has an aetiology that is unknown. Because AD isn't infectious, you can't spread the rash to others. Inflammation is thought to be caused by the presence of too many inflammatory cells in the skin in AD. There's also evidence that persons with AD have a weakened skin barrier as compared to healthy skin. People with AD have drier skin as a result of the changed skin barrier. Water loss and irritant infiltration are more common in AD skin. All of this results in the appearance of red, itchy rashes.
You'll need to figure out what causes your AD flare-ups, but the following are some frequent lifestyle and environmental triggers:
- long, hot showers or baths
- scratching
- sweat
- heat
- cold, dry weather
- soaps, detergents, and cleaners
- wool and synthetic fabrics
- physical irritants (dirt, sand, smoke)
- allergens (pollen, dander, dust)
- strenuous exercise
- stress
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