
With level monitoring solutions, industries can keep track of liquid and accordingly maintain their inventory. Battery-powered ultrasonic sensors are used to remotely measure the level of liquid stored in any tank, tote, container, or receptacle in real-time.
This level data is then processed and calculated into the amount of liquid stored in the container, based on its dimension, shape, orientation, and level reading.
This level data is then processed and calculated into the amount of liquid stored in the container, based on its dimension, shape, orientation, and level reading.
A Complete Comprehensive Guide to IoT Inventory Management
Internet of Things as a telemetry technology enable companies to collect live information from end nodes on a centralized platform. In reference to inventory management, this data refers to the volume of raw materials or finished products a company holds. Provisioning of this inventory data help companies to manage their stock levels and adjust their production rate to ensure the required flow of finished products out of the manufacturing facility.