
Public liability insurance is a policy that provides insurance to the business against harm to the customers or a third party while on the business estate. The loss may be either monetary or physical injury. This is a very important insurance policy that protects the interests of all those businesses whose gates are open to the general public. The premiums of the public liability insurance are low and affordable for the business. When compared to the loss that the company or the business will have to bear in cases of physical or monetary injury to the customer, the premiums are very low.
Public liability insurance is a protection cover for the business. In the businesses where there is regular public movement in the business premises, there is a chance of danger, especially when there is machinery involved. The risk of injury cannot be eliminated in shopping centers and stores, where the customer may stumble over things or products in display may fall over a customer. In such cases, having public insurance will save a lot of trouble for the businessman. Damage to customer property and theft of customer property is also covered under this insurance.
Business premises do not mean only closed enclosures. Businesses involved in outdoor business and field works can take a public liability policy to cover the dangers on the field. For example, a person walking by a construction site can hurt himself by stumbling over construction material. Other examples offield jobs where a public insurance policy comes in handy are outdoor photo or film shoots, surveys and road works. In fact, public liability policy is more necessary while on the field than while indoors.