
Three main types of cervical cancer are there, namely the squamous cell carcinoma, mixed carcinoma, and the adenocarcinoma. In most cases, the cervical cancer diagnosed is the squamous cell carcinoma where the cancer first develops in the squamous tissue present in the outermost epithelial layer of the cervix. Since the epithelium is the simplest form of tissue present in our body, this type of cancer spreads rapidly and starts infecting other parts of the entire cervical tube. There are several secretory cells present in the muscular epithelial layer of the cervix on the inner part. When the cancer develops in these secretory cells, it is known as the adenocarcinoma. Here, the secretory cells start dividing unnaturally, and soon the mucus produced in the cervix becomes infected due to the cancerous cells. The last type of the cancer which usually occurs in the cervical region is the mixed carcinoma. Here, the cancerous cells not only develop in the squamous epithelium but also in the secretory cells, and hence, it is considered to be the most dangerous form of cervical cancer amongst these three.