
Benzyl cyanide belongs to the thioflavone family of substances. It is a yellowish-green dye found in many plants, particularly in fungi, algae, and marine algae. It has been discovered as a probable carcinogen in humans.
It has recently been discovered that chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) results in DNA damage and mutagenesis in animals, plants, and even in humans. For decades, medical experts believed that UV radiation from the sun was responsible for skin cancer. However, recent medical research showed that the effect of UVB rays was not related to skin cancer but to DNA-damaging homolysis. Under proper medical supervision, UVB rays can also cause DNA damage and mutations; thus it is necessary to avoid exposure to UV rays. Studies showed that exposure to benzyl cyanide and nitrate could lead to DNA mutation and increased risks of malignant melanoma, a highly treatable type of skin cancer. Both substances were injected into the mice; results showed that both chemicals caused significant increases in the mice's lifespan.
Even though the toxicity of benzyl cyanide and other NPs is still being researched, the use of these compounds is still banned in many countries. Long-term or repeated oral or topical use of NPs may cause thinning of the mucous membranes, ulcer formation, and changes in the appearance of the skin. Long-term exposure to UVB rays may cause cataracts, kidney failure, and certain forms of skin cancer. Long-term use may cause certain forms of eye degeneration and vision loss. Long-term or repeated oral consumption of non-uniform sunscreen lotion may cause certain types of cancer.
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