
Urodynamic Equipment MarketRegional Analysis:-
North America region is expectedto hold dominant position in global UrodynamicEquipment Market, owing to initiatives taken by the medical centers toincrease the awareness among the people. For instance, in 2017, UrologyFoundation Care and American Urological Association took an initiative calledBladder Health Month which took place in November. As a part of the campaign, agroup of patients, doctors, clinicians share some facts related to urinaryincontinence to spread awareness among people regarding treatment of urinarydisorders. Such initiatives create awareness among people regarding disease andtheir treatment options. In 2018, an initiative taken by bladder canceradvocacy network called as ‘Shine a Light’ campaign aimed to create awarenessabout bladder cancer and its treatment methods. Various other campaigns takenby bladder cancer advocacy network include walks to end bladder cancer and mybladder cancer story campaign. Also, bladder cancer advocacy network uses mediato spread awareness through articles, social networking sites, etc. Suchinitiatives area expected to drive growth of urodynamic equipment market sharein North America.
The Urinary tract of the humanbody functions to remove extra water and wastes. Urodynamic or Urodynamic teststudies the working of urethra, sphincters, and bladder. Urodynamic examinesfunctions of bladder and urethra of storing and releasing urine from the body.Tests detects involuntary contractions of bladder that results into leakage ofurine. Urodynamic tests are majorly conducted for women with incontinence andmen having enlarged prostate glands. Test ranges from simple observation toprecise and accurate measurements. Simple observations include volume of urineproduced, inability or ability to stop the flow of urine in midstream, andlength of time taken to produce urine. Precise measurements include imagingequipment, which takes pictures of the urinary bladder emptying and fillingurine, pressure monitors are used record pressure inside the bladder, andsensors record nerve and muscle activity. Urodynamic tests consist ofuroflowmetry, cystometric test, postvoid residual measurement, leak pointpressure measurement, pressure flow study, electromyography, and videourodynamic test.
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Urodynamic Equipment MarketDrivers:-
Initiatives taken to increaseawareness among people such as by World Continence Week organized by ContinenceFoundation of Australia is expected to support the global urodynamic equipmentmarket growth. The World Continence Week 2017, aims to spread awareness regardingin continence. According to a study conducted by International ContinenceSociety in 2018, the prevalence of urinary incontinence in women is 28%, 16.1%in men, and 35% in senior citizens. This study also states that urinaryincontinence is among the 10 most common diseases caused in both sexes.Moreover, aging is also one of the reasons that can cause urinary bladderrelated disorders. According to National Institute of Health in 2016, incidenceof bladder cancer is 7 times more in senior citizens whose age is 65 and above.According to International Continence Society, individuals suffering fromasthma or bronchitis are 38% more likely to have urinary incontinence.According to a study conducted by Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America andCenters for Disease and Prevention (CDC) in 2016, 1 out of 13 people aresuffering from asthma i.e. about 25 million people are suffering from asthma inthe U.S. In 2015, around 47.5% of children under the age of 18 had asthma.Therefore, increase in chronic and urinary diseases is driving growth of theurodynamic equipment market.
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Market players are activelyengaged growth strategies such as mergers and acquisitions to maintain leadingposition in the urodynamic equipment market. For instance, in April 2018,LABORIE Medical Technologies acquired COGENTIX Medical Inc. This acquisitionwill help in strengthening product portfolio of LABORIE Medical Technologies.However, high cost of equipment leading to expensive treatment procedures isrestraining growth of the urodynamic equipment market size.
Europe urodynamic equipmentmarket is projected to witness significant growth over the forecast period dueto increasing prevalence of urinary disorders. According to study conducted byEuropean Association of Urology, in 2016, out of 5.3 million women in Europe1.5 million women have urinary incontinence. According to a survey conducted byEuropean Commission in 2017, Europe witnessed 124,000 new bladder cancer casesin 2017. Rise in the prevalence of bladder cancer and urinary incontinence isexpected to fuel growth of the urodynamic equipment market.
Urodynamic Equipment Market KeyPlayers:-
Key players operating in globalurodynamic equipment market include LABORIE Medical Technologies, Verathon,Albyn Medical, Cooper Surgical, Ameco Medical Laboratories, Aymed Medical Technology,Boston Scientific Corporation, C.R.Bard, UROTECH, NOV Amedtek, NeomedixSystems, MKS Medic, and Dantec Medical Inc.
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