
Ubiquitinenzymes are also known as E2 enzymes found in tissues of a eukaryotic organismand it helps in achieving the second successive step in the ubiquitinationprocess that aims at a protein to cut into various segments through theproteasome.
Ubiquitin Enzyme isnot only beneficial for big pharma companies but also small to mid-sized playersand academic institutions
Globally,there are numerous studies and research groups that are going on for developinga viable drug by using Ubiquitin enzymes. Many literatures studies in a shortspan of 1 year, nearly 1500 journals related to ubiquitin enzymes are beingpublished since 2015. A number of procedural advances in ubiquitin enzyme hadled to the enhancement and development of varied technological platforms,research-based assessment, tool essentials, chemicals, and pioneer compounds tohelp the different drug discovery programs in different academic and industryresearchers. In fact, the current conclusive trend-lines from differentliterature studies explain that not only big pharma giants but also small scaleto mid-sized players and academic institutions are benefiting from theubiquitin enzyme.
Thereare various strategic partnerships evolved and had linked various stakeholdersto advance research and development processes in ubiquitin enzymes market.Therefore, the growing field of research has gained the attention of variousventure capital firms and investors. This factor is expected to foster marketgrowth.
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Cancer segment isdominating the application segment in Ubiquitin enzymes market over theforecast period
Theglobal ubiquitin enzymes market is segmented on the basis of product type,application, and geography. On the basis of product type, the market is dividedinto E1 and E2 enzymes as therapeutic targets, E3 enzymes as therapeutictargets, dub enzymes as therapeutic targets and associated drug class. On thebasis of application, the ubiquitin enzymes industry is divided into cancer,biological engineering, and others.
Increasing clinicaltrial success rate encouraging pharmaceutical industries to invest more inubiquitin enzyme studies
Regionalsegmentation of the ubiquitin enzymes market by Coherent Market Insightscomprises North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, andAfrica. North America accounts for the largest share in the global ubiquitinenzymes market owing to the rising number of research centers and the presenceof global pharma players.
More than 40clinical trial molecules in the pipeline are expected to propel the growth ofUbiquitin Enzymes Market
Keyplayers operating the ubiquitin enzymes market include 3SBio, 5 AM Ventures,Abbiotec, Abcam, AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Aegera Therapeutics, Aeneas Ventures,Agilis Biotherapeutics, AileronTherapeutics, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, and Amgen among others. Major marketplayers are constantly working on research and development, as the market islargely untapped and offer highly lucrative growth opportunities. For instance,ubiquitin pathway-based inhibitors, there are over 45 molecules that are underdevelopment which are used to treat a variety of indications.
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Key Developments
· Risingresearch and development activities related to ubiquitin enzymes is expected toboost market growth. For instance, in March 2019, researchers from SungkyunkwanUniversity School of Medicine reported that suppression of the ubiquitinpathway by small-molecule binding to ubiquitin increases doxorubicinsensitivity of the cancer cells.
· InNovember 2018, researchers from Institut national de la recherche agronomiquefound that Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 E1 Is preferentially expressed inthe cytoplasm of slow-twitch fibers and protects skeletal muscles fromexacerbated atrophy upon dexamethasone treatment.
· InMarch 2018, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Tropical AgriculturalSciences found a total of 40 putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme genes. Thegenes were grouped into 15 groups based on phylogenetic analysis.
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