
Carsecurity is a growing field of information security studies. It has evolved asan associate degree program with an emphasis on the automotive industry. Itcovers all security aspects related to automobiles, such as vehicleidentification and repair, remote security, car data management, diagnostic,and tracking system, keyless entry, digital keyless access, radio frequencyidentification, and OBD scan and security system. Car security also encompassesthe field of automobile security, including automotive alarms, remote keylessaccess, OBD-DIDC compliance, remote immobilizer, and car security monitoring.Car security is now being focused on security for vehicles, components, and theentire automotive supply chain.
Carsecurity is a fast-developingfield. With the rapid growth of the automotive industry, the vulnerability ofvehicles to intrusions and attacks has increased. This has prompted securitycompanies and IT professionals to create secure systems that will protect boththe customer and the automobile manufacturer. Car security includes carsecurity, vehicle diagnosis, anti-theft devices, remote keyless entry andtracking systems, security system definition, OBD scan, and digital keylessaccess. The focus of car security is to ensure the maximum levels of protectionand safety for the assets of the manufacturer, and reduce costs associated withthe supply chain integrity.
Automotiveinformation security includes preventing the introduction of potential threats,managing the response to attacks, and maintaining the integrity of the supplychain to ensure optimal performance. An example is preventing an attack on anautomotive database by securing the connection between the database server andits tenants. Car manufacturers have been working on how to prevent such attackswhile developing solutions to stop the transmission of illicit materials.
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