
Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressive drug mainly used afterorgan transplant to reduce the risk of organ rejection and the activity of thepatient's immune system. It inhibits the activation of serine-threoninephosphatase, calcineurin, in T lymphocytes. People who have had an organtransplant often require lifelong treatment with immunosuppressants. Tacrolimusfinds major applications in kidney transplant, liver transplant, and cardiactransplant rejection, as well as in lung transplant immunosuppressiontreatment. Moreover, Tacrolimus is available in various dosage forms such ascapsules, tablets, and injections.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved updatedlabeling on January 19, 2006 for two topical eczema drugs, such as Elidel Cream(pimecrolimus) and Protopic Ointment (Tacrolimus). Tacrolimus, anti-inflammatorymonoclonal antibodies vaccine was developed by scientists in order to preventautoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease. The vaccine has been shown to havesignificant anti-inflammatory properties. Tacrolimus, however, is differentfrom other anti-inflammatories as it contains a protein called hemagglutinin. Itis the same protein that is found in the blood and immune system which acts oninflammation directly.
Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressive agent that can beeffective in treating moderate to severe atopic dermatitis (a skin disease thatcauses the skin to be dry and itchy; sometimes develop red, scaly rashes)without causing the atrophy that might occur with prolonged use of topicalcorticosteroids. Many people experience relief from their symptoms withTacrolimus. But one should not rely on this treatment alone to control atopicdermatitis symptoms. The user need to ensure that other treatments, such asmoisturizers, are helping with the itching, swelling, dryness, and redness thataffect the skin so that the skin can heal properly.
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