
Sulfadiazine Sodium InjectionMarket– Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, theglobal SulfadiazineSodium Injection Market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
North America is estimated tohold the leading position in sulfadiazine sodium injection market due to risinguse of antibiotics. For instance, according to the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (USFDA) 2015, about 9.7 million kilograms (21.4 million pounds)of antibiotics considered important for human use were sold for use in animalagriculture.
Europe is also expected towitness significant growth in the global sulfadiazine sodium injection market,owing to rising awareness of antibiotics resistance and safe and effectivepractice of antibiotics use in the region. For instance, the EuropeanAntibiotic Awareness Day is celebrated on 18 November every year. On November16, 2018, the symposium for the 11th European Antibiotic Awareness Day washosted by the Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Health and ConsumerProtection in cooperation with the Austrian national reference centre. Theagenda for the symposium focused on raising awareness about importance ofprudent antibiotic use.
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Sulfadiazine sodium is one of theshort acting sulfonamide used in combinations with pyrimethamine. It is used intreating toxoplasmosis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome andin newborns with congenital infections. It is used for prevention of recurrentattacks of rheumatic fever, urinary tract infections, and chlamydial infectionsin humans. Sulfadiazine sodium injections are also used in veterinary animalssuch as cattles to manage respiratory tract infections, genitourinaryinfections, alimentary tract infections, and sepsis.
Sulfadiazine Sodium InjectionMarket– Drivers
Rising awareness for safeantibiotic uses due to widespread antibiotic resistance can drive high demandfor sulfadiazine sodium injection in the global market during the forecastperiod. For instance, World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) observed everyyear in the month of November, purposes to increase global awareness ofantibiotic resistance (AMR) and encourage best practices among public, healthworkers, and policy makers to avoid emergence and spread of antibioticresistance.
Furthermore, the mission ofAlliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA) started in 1981, is workingto strengthen global defenses against infectious diseases by ensuring access toeffective antibiotics treatment and promoting appropriate antibiotic use toreduce drug resistance. By 2018, APUA is working in 19 countries and stands asthe world’s leading organization conducting research and education on antimicrobialtreatment and resistance at the grassroots and global levels.
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Sulfadiazine Sodium InjectionMarket– Restraint
Over the years, bacterialpathogens acquired resistance to sulfonamide class of antibiotics, due tomutations in pre-existing DNA, or by acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs), which is expected to hinder growth of the sulfachloropyridazine sodiummarket. For instance, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), in the U.S. doctors and emergency departments, prescribe at least 47 millionantibiotic prescriptions each year, which are unnecessary. These are creatingspread of antibiotics resistance, which might lead to severe consequences.
Sulfadiazine Sodium InjectionMarket– Competitive Analysis
Key players operating in theglobal sulfadiazine sodium injection market include, AdvaCare Pharma, MercatorPharma, Shijiazhuang ZDHF Stock-Raising Co., Ltd, Pegasus Laboratories, Inc.,Weifang Fubang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hebei Tianyuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., Hebei Veyong Animal Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and GENERA d.d.
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