
Stevia is gaining more popularity asan alternative sweetener, and for good reason. It doesn't damage or contain anycalories, it is completely natural, and it can be used in many applications.Stevia is a very natural, sugar-free sweetening agent extracted from the Stevialeaf, also native to the South American and Brazilian rainforest. Today, it canbe found in many premium health and diet products, including health bars,dietary supplements, and even liquid drops for tea or other drinks. There areStevia-derivative applications, such as Stevia liquid drops, although it's mostpopular as a supplemental sweetener.
Stevia is often used as a food additive, asit's a great source of dietary fiber and low in calories. However, stevia isalso a great natural alternative sweetener that can be added to a wide range ofbeverages, including coffee, sugar-free gourmet yogurt, diet soda, energydrinks, sports drinks, teas, and coffees. Its wide availability has caused theprice of Stevia to drop, making it a good cost-effective option for consumerswho want a healthy although sweet alternative to traditional sweets, likesugar. The benefits of using Stevia for these types of beverages go beyondhelping people lose weight.
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