Refrigerated Trailers Are Specifically Manufactured For Transporting Frozen Cargo and Perishable Cargo
Refrigerated Trailers Are Specifically Manufactured For Transporting Frozen Cargo and Perishable Cargo
A refrigerated trailer or a refrigerated truck is a flatbed truck or van designed to carry frozen cargo at low temperatures, usually below zero degrees Fahrenheit.

Arefrigerated trailer or a refrigerated truck is a flatbed truck or van designedto carry frozen cargo at low temperatures, usually below zero degrees Fahrenheit.Most long distance refrigerated transportation by flatbed truck is carried outin flatbed trucks pulling refrigerated trailers behind them. In other words,when a long distance cargo is to be transported, the trailer alone is used totransport it and the refrigeration unit is placed at a location closer to theplace of destination where the cargo is to be stored. A common example of suchtransportation is of perishable goods like fish, meat and milk to restaurantsand other retail outlets across the country. Another common example is ofperishables like fish which need to be stored securely until they are ready tobe sold.

Refrigeratedtrailers are specificallymanufactured for transporting these types of delicate and perishable cargo, sothey are specially designed with added facilities for temperature control andfor ice control. They have transporters with sealed air tanks, two-way mirrorsto enable clear vision inside the trailers, automatic defrost systems andtemperature gauges. The refrigeration units, which are mounted on the trailersthemselves, are fitted with the latest equipment, such as dryers, freezerfacilities, ice machines and related equipment. These types of carriers arevery reliable and highly effective, but they are costly, and they do not alwaysmeet the specifications of international standards.

Thereare many types of refrigerated trailers available, such as flatbed, enclosed,open, and refrigerated and tank-less. The cost of a refrigerated trailerdepends on the features that it has and its use. It also depends on the size ofthe cargo that is to be transported, the temperature that needs to bemaintained at the destination and the frequency of the trip. For long journeys,it is advisable to buy long range, solid state refrigeration trailers, likethose made of aluminum and plastic. These have fewer chances of experiencingoverheating due to the movements of the cargo during travel.