Raspberry pi BOARDS
Raspberry pi BOARDS
Get the best Raspberry pi Kit in Canada. We provide the best quality Raspberry pi source code and Raspberry Pi board accessories online at affordable prices in Canada. Call us today - +1 (306) 972-7888

Raspberry pi BOARDS


We offer quality microcontroller, sensors, electroniccomponents, robot kit with BBC micro:bit and Raspberry Pi. Providing codesamples and easy-to-follow guide for people who are interested or love DIYrobots. We promise guaranteed quality with proper price. Please contact us forpurchase intention or questions.

Located in Canada, we are working to help children andstudents who want to study programming and robot building. We provide variouskinds of electronic boards and components in a proper and low price, great forDIY robots. For another awesome bonus, we offer code samples as supportingmaterials for beginners to learn programming and coding.

Coding is the basic knowledge of the digital age. It is veryimportant for people to understand and be able to use the technology aroundthem. Letting children learn to code can prepare them for their future. Codingeven helps children with communication, creativity, math, writing andself-confidence. We offer people a chance to use their knowledge to build theirown robot. And we believe people's creativity is unlimited.

Illustration of robot with multi-functionable hand.

Why Choose Us?

Great things about us:

- Free Shipping. Free shipping for over $100 in Canada orUSA.

- Money Back. Refund for products purchased within 30 days.

- Secure Payment. Provide 100% secure payment methods.

- Best Price. Guaranteed quality with proper and low price.

Our Products & Services

We sell electronic development boards that include BBCmicro:bit and Raspberry Pi. Along with other electronic components andextensions to the boards. We provide different kinds of code samples thatbeginners can learn from. We also have friendly development guides to people ofdifferent age. With help from us, you can easily build your own DIY robot usingour products.

By learning robotics, students can learn more than just howto code. They can learn many skills that enable them to succeed and discovertheir passion. By controlling the robot and observing what goes wrong, studentscan understand the ability of different robots. Robotics can help meet thegrowing demand for science, technology, and engineering teaching.

Social Media Links

- YouTube: Kids Robot

- Twitter: @KidsRobotCanada

- Facebook: @KidsRobot.CA

- Instagram: @kids.robot

- Pinterest: @kidsrobot