
Pupillometer Market – RegionalInsights
On the basis of region, theglobal PupillometerMarket is segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, LatinAmerica, Middle East, and Africa. North America accounted for the largest sharein the global pupillometer market, owing increasing investments in healthcaresector in U.S., which in turn is expected to boost growth the pupillometermarket. For instance, according to article published in Clinical Review &Education, 2018, the U.S. invested around 17.8% of its gross domestic producton health care in 2016, whereas spending in the other countries ranged from12.4% (Switzerland) to 9.6% (Australia). Moreover, technological advancementsin pupillometer is expanding the product portfolio of pupillometer.
Pupillometer or pupilometer arethe ocular checking digital instrument used in the ophthalmology and criticalcare medicine, for measuring the pupil reactivity and distance between pupils.Pupil evaluation in the pupillary information is widely used as an indicationfor possible medical intervention and patient management. Physicians evaluatethe pupil to check and monitor pupillary reflex by examining both the directand consensual responses, a good response is constriction of both pupils and itindicates healthy cranial nerve pathway. Variation in the response suggestsdamage to the nerves from drug use, injures or trauma. Moreover, Pupillometeris used for the proper fitting of spectacles so that the lenses are centered invisual axis. Recent pupillometer are handheld infrared portable devices, whichprovide a consistent and accurate measurement of the symmetry, reactivity, andpupillary size. Digital and automated pupillometers are available in the marketdepending on the application. These devices are compact and user friendly,which has increased its adoption in the market.
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Pupillometer Market Dynamics
Advancements and increasingadoption of information technology in new product development is driving growthof the pupillometer market. For instance, Essilor Instruments USA launchedX81705 Pupillometer in 2017, which offers accurate measurement with manualcontrol. The X81705 allows manual adjustment of unlimited vision distance from35 cm to infinity and binocular-monocular measurements. Moreover, X81705 havedigital read-outs with measurements to 0.5 nm and features an automatic off/onfunctions. Furthermore, reliability concerns regarding standard pupillometrypractice are boosting growth of the automated pupillometer market. Forinstance, a study published in 2016, American Journal of Critical Care reportedthat neurological nurses and critical care consistently underestimated pupilsize and incorrectly measured pupil reactivity, which concluded that use ofautomated pupillometer is essential tool allowing more effective and timelydiagnostic. Increasing prevalence of eye disorders across the globe is alsocontributing to the pupillometer market growth. According to 2017, report ofInternational Council of Ophthalmology, it was estimated that 1.1 billionpeople have near-vision impairment and 217 million people live with Moderate OrSevere Visual Impairment (MSVI), these cases of MSVI are expected to reachabout 588 million people in 2050. Furthermore, prolong exposure to digitalelectronics such as televisions, smartphones & tablets, laptops, videogames, and computers has increased the ophthalmic related disorders, which isdriving the growth of pupillometer market. However, lack of skilledprofessional for operating advance pupillometer device is hindering thepupilometer market growth.
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Asia Pacific is projected towitness significant growth over the forecast period, owing to increasingawareness regarding eye disease and increasing prevalence of ophthalmicdiseases. For instance, a study published in Delhi Journal of Pathalmology,2013 revealed that 91 million population is visually impaired in the entire SouthEast Asia region, with almost one third of the global share.
Pupillometer Market – CompetitiveLandscape
Major players operating in theglobal pupillometer market include US Ophthalmic, NeurOptics, Inc., TakagiOphthalmic Instruments, Essilor, Veatch ophthalmic Instruments, LuneauTechnology, Good-Lite Co., and AMETEK GmbH. Companies are focused towardsadopting market strategies such as launch of new innovative products, mergers,collaborations and acquisition to hold their position in the market andincrease product portfolio. For instance, in 2015, Luneau Technology group thatdevelops and manufactures Visionix wavefront-based refraction and diagnosticsinstruments with AIT Industries, a distributor of ophthalmic instruments andequipment’s based in Bensenville, Illinois.
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