
GlobalPost-operative Pain Management Market
Post-operative pain includes all types ofacute pain that occur due to injuries and resolve in an appropriate healingperiod. Such pain often responds to analgesic medication, as well as atreatment of the precipitating cause. Post-operative pain could also trigger cardiovascular,respiratory, endocrine, metabolic dysfunctions. Post-operative pain treatmentis thus aimed at mobilizing the patient as early as possible. It allows thepatient to drink and eat and to be able to deep breathe and cough. If the patientsare not made to undergo a proper post-operative pain treatment, they can potentiallydevelop cardiac problems, chest infections, depression, wound-inducedinfection, and hypoxia. Post-operative pain treatment has evolved over recentyears, with different concepts of how drugs affect the body when used in specificcombinations.
Opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatorydrugs are expected to contribute to a major market share, in terms of value, inthe global post-operative pain management market. Opioids are substances thatact on the opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects. They are mostoften used to relieve pain. Whereas, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat pain, inflammation, and fever.
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Prevalent Scenario of the post-operative painmanagement market
Increasing number of surgical procedure isexpected to act as a value-driver to the global postoperative pain managementmarket. As per the World Bank, in the U.S. there were 30,537 number of surgicalprocedures performed in 2012. As per National Center for HealthStatistics, of overall surgical procedures half of the procedure requirespostoperative pain medication which provides high opportunity formanufacturers. As per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyyear there are around 41 million visits in emergency department due to trauma.Around 450,000 burns require medical attention annually. Increase in trauma casesto act as a fuel to the overall growth of postoperative pain management market.Some postoperative pain drugs include side effects. Despite the manyadvancement in postoperative pain management, opioids are still considered asthe mainstay pain therapy in many settings. All opioids have significant sideeffects that are limiting its use. One of the major side-effects associatedwith the use of opioid is respiratory depression. According to CDC, theprescription opioid overdose killed around 16,500 people in 2015. Theincreasing cases of drug overdoses and side-effects associated withpostoperative pain drugs is expected to act as a restraint to the overallmarket. Increasing geriatric population in emerging economies and increasingprevalent cases of acute diseases is expected to fuel growth of the market.Increasing patient awareness regarding surgeries and operations and the growingresearch related to pain management is expected to create high opportunity forpain relieving drug manufacturers. Increasing government’s initiative topromote better postoperative pain treatment is expected to increase growth ofmarket. One such initiative is APOP project (Acute postoperative painmanagement), it is national multicenter quality improvement initiative startedby Australia government in 2008. The project was aimed to improve themanagement of postoperative pain by promoting the best practice. North Americaregion is expected to contribute major share to the overall postoperative painmanagement market due to the increasing healthcare expenditure, betterreimbursement policies, easy availability of advanced healthcare treatment andgrowing healthcare infrastructure in these region. Europe is expected to be thesecond most lucrative market for the postoperative pain management.
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GlobalPost-operative Pain Management Market –Key Players
The global postoperative pain managementmarket is highly fragmented, owing to the participation of many established andemerging players, such as Bayer AG, DURECT Corporation, Pfizer Inc., BTG InternationalLtd, Novartis AG, and A.P. Pharma, Inc.
Key Developments
These market contenders are involvedin various business strategies, such as gaining product approval fromregulatory authorities, in order to strengthen their market presence. Forinstance, in July 2019, Alembic Pharmaceuticals, a leading India-basedpharmaceutical company, received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approval for pregabalin capsules, which are indicated for neuropathic pain. In July2019, InvaGen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary company of Cipla Limited, receivedthe FDA approval for its generic version of pregabalin capsules. These capsulesare indicated for the management of neuropathic pain associated with certaindiseases. Furthermore, BioElectronics Corporation received the U.S. FDAapproval for its RecoveryRX device, which is indicated for treatment of post-operativepain, in August 2019.
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