
Furthermore, increasing number ofdrug approvals are expected to propel growth of the global PertuzumabMarket. For instance, in December 2017, the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (U.S FDA) granted approval to PERJETA, a pertuzumab produced byGenentech, Inc. for its use in combination with trastuzumab and chemotherapy asadjuvant treatment of patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer at highrisk of recurrence.
Pertuzumab is a recombinantmonoclonal antibody that acts as an antineoplastic agent, which targets thehuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2 protein known as HER2. The drug blockssignaling pathways that leads to cell growth arrest and apoptosis (celldestruction), thereby inhibiting the proliferation of human tumor cells.Pertuzumab was found to aid in the treatment of HER2 associated breast cancerand was developed by Genentech, Inc., a subsidiary of F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG.It was first approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2012.
Pertuzumab Market– Drivers
There are increasing number ofclinical trials for use of pertuzumab in combination with other drugs for thetreatment of breast cancer . For instance, Helsinki University Central Hospitalis undergoing phase III clinical study for adjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab,and docetaxel in the treatment of early HER2 positive breast cancer. The studywas started in December 2015 and is estimated to complete by June 2023.
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Moreover, development of novelanticancer drug delivery technologies is expected to boost growth of themarket. For instance, in July 2018, Gentech, Inc., in partnership with HalozymeTherapeutics, Inc., used proprietary ENHANZE drug-delivery technology ofHalozyme Therapeutics, Inc., for subcutaneous administration of fixed-dosecombination of pertuzumab (PERJETA) and trastuzumab (Herceptin). This study isunder clinical phase III trial. ENHANZE technology aids in reducing the needfor multiple injections and reduces time required for drug administration.
Pertuzumab Market– Restraint
Increasing cost of anticancerdrugs is expected to be a major factor hampering growth of the market. Forinstance, in June 2017, The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) denied accessto pertuzumab in England, which was available via the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF)in Europe. The drug was rejected by SMC as the treatment of HER2 positivebreast cancer was not cost effective when pertuzumab was used in combination withtrastuzumab and docetaxel.
Moreover, according to a studypublished in the journal Oncology, September 2015, although the use ofpertuzumab with docetaxel and trastuzumab as first-line therapy for HER2positive breast cancer has been shown to yield a substantial survival benefit,the therapy is not cost effective in the U.S. Also, according to the samesource, the cost of treating HER2 positive breast cancer with pertuzumab andother drugs is US$ 509,845 and that with only docetaxel and trastuzumab is US$135,092.
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Pertuzumab Market– RegionalAnalysis
On the basis of region, theglobal pertuzumab market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
North America is expected to holddominant position in the global pertuzumab market due to increasing prevalenceof breast cancer among women in the U.S. For instance, according to AmericanCancer Society 2017, around 52,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer werediagnosed in 2017 among women in the U.S. and around 40,610 women were expectedto die due to breast cancer in the U.S. in same year.
Furthermore, Asia Pacific isexpected to witness significant growth in the global pertuzumab market, owing toincreasing awareness of breast cancer and its management. For instance, inNovember 2016, India launched National Cancer Screening Program to increaseawareness and early detection of breast cancer. This framework aims to offermechanism for effective screening and management of common cancers.
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