
Allergy treatment drugs areused to reduce the risks of an allergic reaction. However, there is currentlyno cure for allergies, but some over the counter (OTC) and prescriptionmedications may relieve symptoms. Immunotherapy may also reduce the severity ofallergic reactions. An allergic reaction is triggered by a substance or areaction in the immune system to an allergen, which can be pollen, food, petdander, or anything that the body is unable to protect itself from. There areseveral types of allergy treatment drugs to choose from, such ascorticosteroids, anti-allergens, antihistamines, and immune suppressants.Allergy attacks can have multiple causes.
Some of the most commoninclude exposure to substances such as mold, pollen, dust mites, house dustmites, cat and dog dander, and certain kinds of foods. It is very important toknow what triggers allergic reactions so that one can properly avoid them. Allergisthelp understand specific allergies and then prescribe the right medications tohelp alleviate the symptoms. Allergyis a condition caused by hypersensitivity of the immunesystem to harmless substances in the environment. Allergic diseases include anaphylaxis, allergic asthma, atopicdermatitis, food allergies, hay fever, etc.Symptoms may include swelling, shortnessof breath, sneezing, a runny nose, an itchy rash, or red eyes.
There is no cure for allergies, but both prescription drugs and over-the-counterdrugs can help ease and treat the symptoms. Allergytreatment drugs are primarilyused to control/suppress symptoms of allergic reactions and are usuallyprescribed by doctors in the form of a single-use pill. Some of thesemedications can cause side effects, including loss of appetite, vomiting, anddiarrhea. Some medications are more effective in preventing allergies than intreating them, as they block substances that cause immune cells to attackhealthy cells. Decongestants, for example, is designed to reduce inflammation.
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