
North America flaxseed is one of the most highly nutritiousplant-based food products. It is a plant-based food that is a rich source offiber, healthy fat, and antioxidants. It is available in different forms suchas seeds, capsules, tablets, powder, oils, and flour. Flaxseed is highly richin antioxidants, lignans, protein, and omega-3, or alpha-linolenic acid. It isused as a dietary supplement to treat diabetes, constipation, cancer, heartdisease, and high cholesterol. These seeds are widely used in cereals, bakeryproducts, flour, energy bar, supplements, and flaxseed meal powder. Moreover, itis used in food products such as pancakes, cookies, and muffins. They are also classifiedunder functional food due to its high content of nutritional value.
Flaxseed can also boost energy and immune function. Itcontains an abundance of fatty acids, including linoleic, linolenic and oleicacids. These acids are crucial in regulating blood sugar levels, which can helpslow down the onset of diabetes. Moreover, they contain magnesium, anotherfundamental element in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Magnesium also regulatesgrowth hormones and the release of thyroid hormones. North America flaxseed may also aidin treating depression and fatigue and may also help reduce symptoms ofParkinson's and irritable bowel syndrome. The seeds contain high concentrationsof essential fatty acids, and it is believed that these acids may help reducethe risk of heart disease.
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