
Micellarcasein is a protein concentrate derived from dairy (cow's milk) and used widelyin various sports and bodybuilding activities. Although it's especially popularamong hard-gainers, this little-known protein can actually have some impressivetherapeutic effects for those looking to improve their muscle-building or weight-lossroutines. Micellar casein is a high quality casein protein that has been aroundsince the 1980s when it was discovered that the protein could help keep musclecells well-maintained and healthy. Nowadays, casein supplements are used as aprimary component of various bodybuilding programs and weight loss dietaryplans.
Slowrelease protein like whey is great for providing your muscles with thenecessary proteins like amino acids they need for muscle protein synthesis.This kind of supplementation also allows your muscles to recover much fasterthan it would with micellar casein alone. This is why you'll often find workoutprograms using fast-release proteins like whey or casein, because they allowyour muscles to recover much more quickly. Fast-release proteins like these arealso very efficient at boosting your protein absorption rate.
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