
Regional Insights
On the basis of Geography, theglobal MedicalGrade Hydrogel Market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America is expected tolead the medical grade hydrogel market during forecast period, owing to highnumber of plastic and reconstructive surgeries that are performed annually inwhich hydrogels based material is extensively used. According to reportpublished by American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2017, around 290,467 breastaugmentation surgeries were performed in 2016, which increased to 300,378 in2017. High prevalence of the chronic disease such as cancer and cardiovasculardisease and extensive research and development by pharmaceutical and biotechcompanies for development of innovative products are driving market growth.According to the estimation of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers ofAmerica (PhRMA), in 2017, pharmaceutical industry invested around US$ 0.8billion to US$ 1.7 billion per company on research and development activities.Europe is projected to witness significant growth in the medical grade hydrogelmarket.
Hydrogel are hydrophilic, threedimensional, and cross-linked polymer chain, which has property to absorbdifferent fluids. They resemble body tissue with respect to their ability toabsorb large amount of water. The property to absorb different types of thefluid makes hydrogel suitable for many medical applications. As human body consistof large amount of water, therefore hydrogels are highly biocompatible and canbe used as carrier for many active ingredients. Being biodegradable, hydrogelsare harmless as compared to other polymers. Hydrogels such as polysaccharidesand polypeptides are of natural origin, whereas artificial hydrogels includeN-isopropyl acrylamide and Jeffamine M-1000 acrylamide. Artificial hydrogelscarries superior mechanical strength, longer shelf life, and larger capacity toabsorb water. This hydrogels are based on the type of material from which theyoriginate, shows varying response to pH, temperature, light, and differentchemicals. The pH responsive hydrogels possess chemical/physical properties atspecific pH. Gastric targeted drug such as small intestine, stomach, and colontargeted drug delivery system has been under development specifically forchronic conditions such as colon and stomach cancer. Cell modelling isconducted to mimic GI tract cell, based on pH characteristics. Light responsivehydrogels can be used in gene delivery, drug delivery, and biomedical sensors.
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Market Dynamics
Medical grade hydrogel is gainingsignificant traction as the novel carrier, which can be used in variousproducts targeted for different indications. Currently medical grade hydrogelhas major application in wound dressings, plastic surgery, cosmetics,orthopedics, and immunotherapy. Increasing research on utility and capabilityof medical grade hydrogel is expected to propel growth of the medical gradehydrogel market. Hydrogels is currently widely used as material for plastic andreconstructive surgery. Therefore, increasing number of reconstructive surgeryis expected to drive growth of market. Extensive research is being conducted onhydrogels for their application in novel drug delivery systems such ascontrolled release delivery and sustained release delivery to improve theprospect of hydrogels as novel excipient and carrier. Moreover, high prevalenceof chronic disease such as cancer is propelling growth of the market. Forinstance, according to the data published by International Journal of PharmaSciences and Research (IJPSR), around 9 million deaths occurred due to cancerin 2015, and around 11.4 million people are estimated to die due to cancer by2030. Such high number of deaths is propelling demand for development of novelmolecule with effective targeting of drug towards diseased organ, which can beachieved with hydrogel due to its extracellular characteristics, which wouldalso decrease side effects associated to anti-cancer drugs. Hydrogel act as aneffective carrier in skin cancer. Hydrogel such as hyaluronic acid is used astissue filler for plastic reconstruction surgery such as breast reconstruction.This surgery is conducted if breast cancer treatment compels to remove affectedtissue mass. Increasing adoption of immunotherapy to treat various disease suchas asthma and Crohn’s disease are expected to fuel growth of the medical gradehydrogel market. A nanovector composed of peptide-based nanofibrous hydrogelcan condense DNA to result in strong immune responses against disease such asHIV. HIV is one of the major cause of deaths globally.
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According to UNAIDS factsheet, in2016, around 36.7 million were suffering from HIV worldwide. Hydrogels aremajorly used in proteomics and electrophoresis as replacement to other types ofpolymers. Smart hydrogels and tissue engineering are future research areas forhydrogel, which would aid in medical application and drive growth for medicalgrade hydrogel market.
Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in themedical grade hydrogel market include 3M, ConvaTec, Integra LifescienceHoldings Corporation, Smith & Nephew plc, United Axelgaard, Coloplast, PaulHartmann, Medtronic plc, and Ocular Therapeutix.
Companies are launching novelproducts in order to gain larger market share and establish dominance overother competitors. For instance, Integra LifeSciences launched hydrogel-basedproduct named Revize/Revize-X Collagen Matrix for Plastic and ReconstructiveSurgery in October 2017.
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