
Nanoengineered prosthetics are implantable devices designedto replace missing body organ, using nanostructures and nanotools for theircomposition. Nanoengineered prosthetics comes under subdivision ofnanomedicine. The use of nanostructures and nanotools have improved thefunctions of nanoengineered prosthetics. Moreover, the use of nanostructuresand nanotools have reduced various disadvantages, such as infection around thesite and dislocation of the implant, of using conventional prosthetics. Thenanoengineered prosthetics market is gaining huge traction due to increasingresearch and development activities.
Today, prosthetics and artificial limbs are grown withtechnologically advanced techniques and materials. These devices have increasedfunctionality and are becoming more efficient. One such material used forprosthesis is the Nanoengineered substitutes. It is very light in weight andalso highly durable. Nanoengineeredprosthetics are implantable electronic devices that are utilized inpatients to instantly replace the missing body tissue and it comes in underdivision of nanotechnology. The material utilizes the principles of electronicconductors, along with various types of synthetic protein scaffolds.
This material is highly charged and may even beself-cleaning due to its electro-positive charge. Such properties make itpossible for prosthetics and even traditional biological components to becoated on it. When a foreign body is attached on the surface, the body startsto automatically reject the foreign bodies and thus an unnatural rejection isavoided. Thus this makes the global nanoengineered prosthetics market verysuccessful as there is no rejection of prostheses. Thus, this technology hasalready established itself as the world leader and it is predicted to set thepace for the future. With the advancement of technology in the field ofprosthetics, and better and innovative substitutes, the demand fornanoengineered prosthetics is also increasing.
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