How Spirituality work in Students life
How Spirituality work in Students life
‘Spirituality’ a subject in School Education? Spirituality is the change of heart. One can still ignore what comes into their mind, but ignoring heart feeling is impossible.

How Spirituality work in Students life

What is being ‘True Feminist’?

“We want equality !!”

“Woman are equal to men”!!

“This is 21st century, woman can do everything, what men can!!

My question is, why do you want to be equal, when you were made to be great?

One fine day, Peacock was being proud of her beauty, said to herself, “I am the most beautiful bird on this planet. Look at my wings, bright mix color of blue, turquoise and green, God has specially designed me and for special purpose. Let me take a stroll over the forest and see what other animal think.”

While flying in the sky, peacock’s eye fall in a corner, where Tiger was sitting. Peacock sit on on tree top near that corner by hiding herself. Peacock sees, Tiger is such a strong animal, fastest, can prey and eat any animal, all other animals scared of him.

Now Peacock gets depressed and feels, why is it such inequality in nature. I am also a child of nature, I want people to give respect what Tiger gets. I want to be like Tiger. There should be equality everywhere

This is how ‘Peacockism‘ or ‘Feminism‘ starts.


Man and Woman are Different

How do you differentiate between a man and a woman, by appearance at foremost? Both have different physical structure totally. Men have strong physical body, woman tends to be softer.

Next comes the internal structure. Woman follow a Menstruation cycle which man don’t. In woman hormonal changes occur a lot. In woman right side of brain is most active, in men left side of brain is active. Woman are more emotional, man are more practical.

Hence we have seen god has made 2 different creature, both have different identity and purpose. No one can dominate another. No one is Superior to another.

Two beautiful creature made by God, added in this Universe to play their own part.

How is equality debate started?

In past over various centuries, men took advantage of their strong-ness over woman and woman started being submissive. Men started dominating society, demanded more respect, become decision maker. Woman lost their value in society and became submissive.

Slowly, with advancement in education, woman started realizing that woman too deserve the respect in society as equal to man. To achieve that woman started proving that they are equal to man. They started doing all kind of jobs that man does and hence the concept of ‘Equality’ arises.

What is true Feminism?

What do you think? If man and woman were equal, wouldn’t have god made them similar. Why would god made two things different and then ask them to fight to become equal. Is n’t it rubbish?

True feminism is ‘Accepting your full woman power”.

Accepting, you are different from men (Not superior, not inferior)

Accepting, being woman is powerful.

Accepting, success and respect does not depend on gender.

Accepting, woman’s body does not have to be according to man’s preference.

Accepting, each woman is different, have different body.

Accepting, being sexuality does not make you bad moral woman as per society.

Accepting, your brain works differently than man’s. Not as per society norms, which says, man are intelligent than woman. So are woman, in emotions, empathy, family values, compassion, intuition, creativity, patience, sacrifice.

Accepting, all woman are beautiful. irrespective of age, size, color, height, weight, profession, income.

Above all, woman has 1 more blessing which, leave man, even god doesn’t have, to give birth to another human being. According to mythology, when god had to take birth as human, they were also born by a mother. Hence, woman should not underestimate their this blessing.

Yes, they deserve equal opportunities, equal income, equal freedom, equal respect, equal choices. By not comparing with man, but by equal contribution done by woman in society, in her respective area.

What need to change?

When woman would start accepting themselves as powerful woman, they would stop proving to the world that they are equal.

Woman would start embracing their individuality. Woman would start respecting and supporting other woman. Woman would not need approval of man to their existence.

When this would start happening, man would start respecting woman and slowly our society will change.

So to bring the change in SOCIETY, the change has to bring in YOU.