
Taxi booking industry has been revised a lot with the shared economy concepts and they areimplemented by top taxi booking companies like Uber, Lyft, Grab, Careem, Ola and many more.Innovation along with technologies are the reasons for their grand success. Still many moreplaces need this service and a lot more opportunities are available for the entrepreneurs whowish to start business in the taxi booking industry. Uber clone is a taxi booking app like Uber comes to the market with all the core features to start your business profitable.
Gofer - Uber clone is an outstanding amongst scripts that suit well for the ride-hailing business. With the latest technologies, Gofer facilitates the taxi business without any hassle. Our uber clone is available in both Android and iOS applications to enhance your business to a wider audience. Our application comes with a well-designed seamless interface for both Riders and Drivers. Our script can be customized in a better way to do business in other services like plumbing, gardening, laundry, courier, delivery, and much more on-demand services.
Benefits Of OurUber Clone App
- simple signup / login
- instant notifications
- live tracking
- multiple payment
- promo code
- rating & reviews
- estimated time of arrival
- Automatic Fare Estimation
- Multiple Currency
- Surge Pricing / Peak time Pricing
- Chat Option
- Twilio SMS Gateway
- Multiple Languages
- Google Navigation
- SoS
- Schedule Ride
- Fleet Management
- Heat Map
- Manual Booking
- Multi - Vehicle Option
- Vehicle Management
- Dynamic document
- Ride Sharing
- Add Vehicle Details
- Gender-Based Preference RideNew
- Handicap Seat AccessibilityNew
- Child Seat AccessibilityNew
simple signup / login
Gofer has a simple signup & login option for all its users. Riders can register themselve to the gofer with Phone number, Facebook, Google, Apple Id. Drivers can sign up their account using the phone number to ensure security with verification code.
Instant notification will be sent to both driver & rider instantly in Gofer. UsingGoogle Firebase API the users of Gofer App will be benefited with uninterruptedcommunication service.
Gofer has live tracking for both drivers & riders. Drivers can easily track theirpath from their current location to the riders pickup location till the destinationlocation. Riders can monitor each and every move of the driver.
Gofer allows its riders to pay comfortably out of their choice. PayPal, Wallet &Cash are the options in payment for riders.
Promo code is one of the fascinating marketing words to attract the users of aproduct. Gofer has the option to create code in the admin panel. Riders can applypromo code or gift code for the ride, the amount will be reduced from the total rideamount.
Ratings & review will surely help the business to increase the trust among new usersof the product. Both the riders & drivers can share their reviews and rate eachother for the trip.
ETA is one of the needed features of all taxi booking services to acknowledge theriders about the waiting time till the arrival of their vehicle. It makes the ridersmore comfortable to know the exact time of their trip.
Riders can view the estimated fare after entering the from and to address. This willhelp them to choose the cost effective vehicle in the available list.
Gofer has multiple currency options, so that the riders can pay on their preferredcurrency. It will help the owner of this product to enhance their business in theworld wide market.
Admin can choose the prior peak time in before hands and charge the surge amount inthe commute for the reasonable cause. This feature highly concerns the driverbenefits too.
Under the security roof without sharing the phone number both drivers and the riderscan have a seperate room in the app itself to communicate between themselves.
In Gofer, we have made use of the Twilio SMS gateways. Admin can ensure security byverifying driver and user mobile number during sign up. It can also be used to sendSMS.
Gofer supports multiple languages in both mobile & web applications. That isaccording to the location, the user prefered language will be changed manually.
Navigation option has been included effectively in the app to help the drivers toavoid confusing the routes. By integration with google maps, drivers can easilynavigate in the correct path.
SoS helps to overcome the negative happenings in emergency situations. The riderscan share their location and their details instantly to the emergency contactnumbers included in their profile.
The option’s like ride now, ride later is available for the riders to book the rideinstantly or to schedule the ride. Eventually the driver will also be triggered outby the request and the cab gets booked.
Gofer has a separate panel for the company to handle their vehicle set. So that thecompany could manage the entire fleet, including payout and others.
Gofer lets the company to know about the peak areas using the heatmap feature, thishighly helps to decide the surge pricing concept.
When a rider prefers to pre-schedule the cab by call without the Gofer app, then the admin can manually book the cab with all the information and filter details from the user. Through this one can grab all types of audience and the automation of this booking can be maintained in ease.
Admin can add multiple vehicles for hiring like car, bike, ambulance in this app.This feature help to earn more by offering many services.
The connected driver can add multiple vehicle types to the registered vehicle. As per the availability, the driver has the possibility of getting more requests.
Based on the country, the admin can easily manage the documents dynamically for the connected vehicle, company, and drivers.
Multiple riders of the same path can share vehicle seats using a ride-sharing feature. Verified riders can book a maximum of 2 seats according to the vehicle’s seating capacity for each trip.
The connected driver can showcase their registered vehicles with added vehicle details like vehicle color, make, make year, model also licence plate number.
In Gofer Rider App, if the rider updates gender as female, they can prefer female drivers for their ride. This ensures extra security for females for a safe ride.
For the differently-abled, Gofer offers a separate space for seating in the car. The rider can filter the available vehicles with a handicap facility.
Child seat accessibility can be used to keep the children safe during the ride. This provides safety to the children and the rider can choose based on the need.
Once the purchase is completed, we install our script to your server at free of cost. Within ashort span, we help you to make your script live.
We submit your apps which are bought from us. We give you complete support to submit iOS Apps inApp Store & Android apps in Play Store.
We continuously work to deliver high quality bug free products. In case of any critical bugs,it's our pleasure to support you immediately in free of cost within the mentioned support periodin the purchased package. Otherwise, we will make sure to include it in our near future updates.
We are always ready to support you in all means of communication channels. Our on-time supportincludes technical and non technical support and maintenance from the team.
Based on the packages selection, you will be afforded with a complete source code. 100% sourcecode means the clients have all the privilege to edit and change the source code in accordancewith their ideology to attract relevant customers.
Our experts crafted all the features of the app in native languages of iOS & Android to providea compatible service and make a presence in all the types of technologies.
We are always here to support you even after the purchase is completed. We wholeheartedly acceptif any rejection happens after app submission and we tend to develop a better app which will beaccepted.
Our expert team will assist you for registration of accounts on any 3rd party sites like SMSGateway, Payment Gateway, Server, and much more.
It is important to have your logo and company name everywhere. In the admin panel you can removeour name and logo from everywhere visible and replace it with yours which helps in building yourbrand.
rider android
rider web panel
driver android
driver web panel
admin web panel
company web panel
User Id: admin
Password: 123456
Gofer Rider app is available in Web, iOS and Android platforms. Use the link belowto try the demo of Gofer rider app features
Gofer Driver app is available in both iOS and Android platforms. Use the linkbelow to try the demo of Gofer driver app features
User Id: 9876543211
Password: 123456
To make it simple for admin to manage the portal, the admin can set roles & responsibility tosub-admins who help admin to control the portal. Admin has options to add, edit, delete & toprovide access to features to sub-admin.
The fleet management portal has all the features to taxi owners to manage drivers & vehicles. Italso has options like manage booking, trip, payment, request and other information. It alsoprovides access to analytics.
The peak pricing is nothing but surge pricing, which affects the cost of customer trips. Thepeak pricing is due to various factors like demand for the trip in a location or externalfactors like rain.
The Geo-Fencing feature helps admin to avoid trips from certain geolocation. The admin can marka location on the map to avoid trips from that location.
The real-time currency rates feature helps to make real-time changes in the currency.
An In-app chat option helps the user to chat with the driver even though they can't connect withthe call.
The SOS also known as "save our souls" is a feature that helps you to reach emergency contactswith the click of a button.
Using the report option, the admin can create, edit & delete reports in the portal. The reportgives a clear view of all the key metrics like total earning, total trips, and so on.
You are set to launch your business in short term successfully in this competitive market.
Both the user and the driver can refer a friend in gofer and can earn payment. Through this theadmin can draw a valuable customer and reward the existing one.
In the trip, a driver might face circumstances to cross a toll or undergo a parking area. Allthese charges can be manually added by the driver and included in the invoices transparently.
If the driver has been extremely professional and if the rider wishes then the rider can tip thedriver at the end of the trip. This highly kindles the driver to deliver a white collar service.
The time interval between the driver at the pickup location and the trip starting duration areconsidered as waiting and the charge for this can be received from the user at the end of thetrip.
Both the driver and the rider can get in conversation easily without sharing their personalphone number or other details and can have a secure call.
The Heat map highlights the peak areas for the driver and the admin. This highly helps to decidethe surge pricing concept.
language - RTL
We have language translations for Arabic from Right to Left.
We Offer 5 Languages In Gofer
We provide 31 currencies in Gofer
phone number
Twilio technology Is Used In Gofer For SMS Verifications
ride sharing
Enable the users to share rides using the Ride-Sharing feature.
Gender Preference
For security reasons, female riders can choose female drivers while booking the ride.
Child Seat Accessibility
The rider can choose the taxi with child seat accessibility for children's safety during the ride.
Handicap Seat Accessibility
The rider can filter the available vehicles with handicap facilities before booking the ride.
Can Able To Use It In Multiple Domain / Server With iOS Application
Any one payment gateway from the list provided.
copyright 2021 Trioangle Technologies. All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: We are using the term "Uber" for the purpose of easy understanding & identification. We are not related to Uber Technologies Inc. & not doing any promotion activities for them.