
FrSky ReceiverTFR4SB is Compatible with FASST 2.4G: Air Systems (7CH Mode/Multi Mode)& Surface Systems (C1 Mode) Finally an affordable S.Bus reciever. Not onlyis it affordable, but we offer improved sensitivity and stbility for bettercomunications with your transmitter. Don't let the lower prices fool you, weare puting out some of the world's best R/C radio today.
Compatiblewith FASST 2.4G: Air Systems (7CH Mode/Multi Mode) & Surface Systems (C1Mode)
SB portis compatible with Futaba S.BUS servos and FrSky servo D12MB. No receiverchannel limits (except by those on your transmitter) and prevent mismatchedservo-channel connections.
Twoselectable failsafe setting options (use native failsafe on radio side or setfailsafe on TFR4SB side)
Improvedsensitivity and stability
Widerand higher operating temperature range, suitable for all kinds of models
Numberof Channels: 16
Dimension:41x 24x 6mm
OperatingVoltageRange: 3.5V~10V
OperatingTemperatureRange: -10°C~60°C
FASST2.4G Air Systems (7CH Mode/Multi Mode): 6EX, 7C, TM-7, TM-8, T8FG, T10C, TM-10,T10CG, T12Z, T12FG, TM-14, T14MZ, etc.
FASST2.4G Surface Systems (C1 Mode): 3PK, 4PK, etc.
Compatiblewith Futaba and FrSky S.Bus servos.
What'sin the Box:
2x Shorttool
1 xManual