
The DJTtelemetry transmitter module is a great choice if your transmiter is compatablewith the JR modules. (as well as Turnigy 9x/FlySky 9x/EMAX 9x)
TheTelemetry Radio System developed byFrSky provides an additional return link that is used formonitoring the Rx’s voltage, poor receiver reception, temperature, location,speed and so on.
Themodule is compatible with both the V8-series (non-telemetry) and the D-Series(telemetry) receivers.
AdvancedContinuous Channel Shifting Technology (ACCST is our advanced tecnology itshifts channel hundred times per second and there is no signal conflicts andinterruptions) robust frequency agility.
Easy tobind and very fast link-up.
Excellentreboot time.
TrueDiversity with two antennas.
Allchannels can be programmed with Failsafe, quickly and easily.
Quickand extremely stable in performance.
Preciseand smooth servo response.
Extendedrange (1.5km-2.5km).
Operatingvoltage: 6.0V-13.0V (can handle 3S!)
Powerconsumption: 50mA
OutputPower:: 60mW
Resolution:3072 (11bit)
JR: 347,388, 783, U8, PCM10, PCM10S, PCM10SX, PCM10IIS, 8103, J9303, PX, 9XII, 11XZERO,Turnigy 9x.
What'sin the Box:
1 x8-channel transmitter module DJT-II (V2)
1 xTransmitter Antenna