Film and Tape Transfer, Convert Legacy Tape Formats To Digital | Precision Transfers
Film and Tape Transfer, Convert Legacy Tape Formats To Digital | Precision Transfers
Film and Tape Transfer, Convert Legacy Tape Formats To Digital | Precision Transfers

Film and Tape Transfer, Convert Legacy Tape Formats To Digital | Precision Transfers

Film andTape Transfer, Convert Legacy Tape Formats To Digital | Precision Transfers


Convert legacy tape formats to a high quality digitalformat for broadcast, archival or sharing purposes.

Home Movie Transfer Servicein canada

35mmslide transfer

convertcine film to dvd

Video TapeTransfer Service in canada

convert slides todigital

8mmfilm to digital conversion service

Don'tlet your favorite memories fade away. Contact us now to have your family filesor videotape digitized to the latest digital formats that you can share withfriends and family for generations to come.

How it worksGet Started

How it Works


Mail or courier the originals

Once the originals havebeen received, a receipt of order is noted in the account and catalogingphysical contents, including inspection of customer supplied contents fordamage, and noting areas in need of repair is done.



All tape materials willbe converted to Apple ProRes 422 for the preservation copy, and to H.264 or MP4for the access copy. Films will be converted to MP4 and slides to a highresolution jpeg. Precision Transfers will maintain a backup of all capturedcontent on Data tapes for a period of 60 days, as additional protection.


Returning the originals

If selected, we canreturn the original source materials and new digital copies via door-to-doortransport*. If the customer chooses to do so, the original media can berecycled and only the digital download file would be provided.

Formats & Pricing

Format Duration (in min) Cost
VHS / VHS-C / S-VHS / Betamax 30 - 120 $19 - 34 + HST
Sony 3/4" U-matic 30 - 120 $29 - 49 + HST
8mm / Hi-8 / D8 30 - 120 $19 - 34 + HST
MiniDV / DVCam / HDV 30 - 120 $20 - 39 + HST
Betacam / BetacamSP / DVCPro 30 - 120 $30 - 68 + HST
35mm slide transfer Hi res JPEG $1.60 per slide + HST

Why Precision Transfers

PrecisionTransfers specializes in high quality digitization of a variety of media forbusinesses, educational institutions, and audiovisual media libraries and forthe consumer. Quality is the focus for media digitizingand preservation.


Backed bystate-of-the-art systems, Precision Transfers can outperform what you get fromyour local retail store. We are a dedicated facility, focused on preservationof your media, with a no-frills approach to each project. We give you only whatyou need, while offering any service level you desire.

Our goal - offering youthe highest quality media transfer available, with the best service possible,at reasonable rates. We go the extra mile for our clients insuring that yourmedia is digitized successfully, no-matter what the challenges are. Your mediais handled and stored safely and professionally throughout our entiredigitization process.

The end result - weinsure that our clients are thoroughly satisfied with the final product andtheir media is digitized in a way that will satisfy both their current needswhile withstanding the future tests of time.

Mailor bring your
tapes to:

4575 Blakie Road,2nd floor
London, Ontario, Canada
N6L 1P8

Office hours:
8:30am – 5:00pm Monday - Friday

About Precision Transfers

In2018 Precision transfers was formed as part of Keyframe Communications Inc...Our team at Precision Transfers is exclusively focused on being thehighest-quality provider of media conversion and archiving services nationally.Our studio has been designed to mitigate all potential risks associated withthe handling and processing of a high volume of multiple media formats andensures the delivery of a best-quality digital solution fit to the client’sspecific requirements. Our methodology is based upon 30 years of dedicatedprofessional media conversion and archiving experience coupled with 20 years ofleading-edge global corporate experience resulting in the creation of what weknow to be the “best in class” provider of these services in Canada.



Owner: BryanPeel

Phone:  519.434.9059




4575 BlakieRoad, 2nd floor

London,Ontario, Canada

N6L 1P8

Office hours:

8:30am – 5:00pmMonday - Friday
