
Farmtrac 45 Smart is readywith more power, higher efficiency and greater comfort with a powerful 3cylinder, 2900 cc engine with 2200 rated RPM which produces 50 HP power. Farmtrac45 Smart equipped with Oil bath type Air Filter which provides dust free air toengine, with Coolant Cooled Cooling system to overcome from overheating ofengine in longer working Operations. Farmtrac 45 Smart comes with Dry or Oilimmersed brake options, bigger clutch and Mechanical and Power steering optionswhich makes Farmtrac 45 Smart tractor very comfortable and smooth for theoperator without causing fatigue. Farmtrac 45 Smart comes with specialfeatures like, adjustable Tow-Hook and Full Constant Mesh gearbox. Thismakes the Farmtrac 45 Smart perfect for implements like ploughing, seed drill,harrow, puddling, haulage and much more with backup torque in case of partialload condition.
Onroad price of Farmtrac 45 Smart in India is ₹ 5.30 to ₹ 5.70 Lakh. On roadprice consists of multiple factors like ex-showroom price, RTO registrationamount, road tax amount and insurance amount. All of these components are addedup to get the on-road price of the Farmtrac 45 Smart Tractor. Also, these componentsvary from state to state. Price also changes depending upon the variant of theFarmtrac 45 Smart tractor.