
Pharmaceutical Drugs are divided intotwo major categories namely therapeutic and preventive medicines. Therapeuticdrugs increase the functioning of the body and protect it from external factorsthat can cause harm. These medicines help to repair the cell that is damaged.On the other hand, preventive medicines slow down the aging process of the bodyand protect it against external factors that can cause damage to body cells.
EuropePharmaceutical drugs, on the other hand, are intended for medical diagnosis and treatment.For instance, a headache is not a common disease among children so it is notnecessary to make a prescription for a headache medicine for children to treatit. Thus, a pharmaceutical drug is clearly different from a cosmetic product asit is intended to use. Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits on the saleof Europe pharmaceutical drugs, as they always want their customers to behappy. Hence, drug manufacturers always try to make their products as safe aspossible and give them appropriate marketing strategies to convince customersabout their safety. They also make use of catchy advertising tools such as sexypictures, celebrity endorsements, etc. to make their products popular. However,this strategy often backfires as it backfires because many people do not realizethat the drug manufacturer made profits by making their products more expensivethan the competitor's products.
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