
Global EpiduralAnesthesia Disposable Devices Market, by Product Type (Continuous EpiduralTray, Single Dose Epidural Tray, Epidural Anesthesia Needles, and Others), byAge Group (Adults, and Pediatrics), by End User (Hospitals, Surgical Centers,and Others), and by Region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific,Middle East, and Africa), was valued at US$ 1,056.5 million in 2018, and isexpected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.3% over the forecast period (2019-2027), ashighlighted in a new report published by.
Increasing adoption ofcollaborations and partnerships by key players are expected to propel themarket growth over the forecast period. For instance, in August 2019, MilestoneScientific Inc. signed a distribution agreement with Paragon Care Limited, aprovider of medical equipment, devices, and consumables in Australia. Under theagreement, Milestone’s product, CompuFlo Epidural System, will be distributedby Paragon Care Limited. CompuFlo Epidural System is an alternative to theconventional syringe with pressure sensing technology, which allowsanesthesiologists to easily identify the epidural space and improve patientoutcomes. Increasing usage of epidural anesthesia during labor is expected todrive growth of epidural anesthesia disposable devices market growth over the forecastperiod. For instance, according to the National Center for Health Statisticsreports, around 60% of women in labor use an epidural, spinal or combinedspinal-epidural anesthesia in the U.S. Moreover, rising incidence of orthopedicsurgeries, vascular surgeries, and others are expected to boost growth of theepidural anesthesia disposable devices market over the forecast period. Forinstance, according to the National Vascular Registry, 2018, the number ofendovascular lower limb procedures performed in 2016 was around 6,670, whichincreased to around 7,402 in 2017 in the U.K.
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Browse 32 Market Data Tables and25 Figures spread through 173 Pages and in-depth TOC on ‘Epidural AnesthesiaDisposable Devices Market’- Global Forecast to 2027, by Product Type(Continuous Epidural Tray, Single Dose Epidural Tray, Epidural AnesthesiaNeedles, and Others), by Age Group (Adults, and Pediatrics), by End User(Hospitals, Surgical Centers, and Others), and by Region (North America, LatinAmerica, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)
North America is expected to holda dominant position in the epidural anesthesia disposable devices market overthe forecast period, owing to adoption of growth strategies such as productlaunches, investments, and facility expansion by the market players in theregion to enhance their market presence. For instance, in 2016, Cambrex, aleading Epidural Anesthesia Disposable Devices contract manufacturer, completedexpansion at its Iowa, U.S.-based manufacturing site, adding 1,000 and 4,000gallon glass-lined reactors in the 7,500-square-foot plant. Moreover, risingadoption of inorganic growth strategies such as distribution agreement,collaborations, and acquisitions by market players in North America areexpected to boost the epidural anesthesia disposable devices market growth inthe region during the forecast period. For instance, in April 2018, MilestoneScientific Inc. signed a distribution agreement with Clinical Technology Inc.,a specialty distributor of medical products and devices in the U.S. Under theagreement, Milestone’s product, CompuFlo Epidural System, will be distributedby Clinical Technology Inc.
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Key Takeaways of the EpiduralAnesthesia Disposable Devices Market:
The global epidural anesthesiadisposable devices market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.3% over theforecast period, owing to increasing adoption of collaborations and acquisitionstrategies, and rising product launches by the market players. For instance, inOctober 2018, B. Braun Melsungen AG launched NRFit Connectors at the AmericanSociety of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Meeting held in Chicago, U.S.
Among product type, epiduralanesthesia needles segment held dominant position in the epidural anesthesiadisposable devices market in 2018, owing to development of advanced devices bythe market players. For instance, in 2015, Rivanna Medical received the 510(k)U.S. FDA clearance for its Accuro device, which is developed for anesthesianeedle guidance.
Among age group, adults segmentheld dominant position in the epidural anesthesia disposable devices market in2018, owing to rising adoption of epidural anesthesia in adults, for labor painmanagement during pregnancy. The support of healthcare and governmentorganizations for usage of epidural anesthesia in pain relief during labor isexpected to increase the adoption of epidural anesthesia disposable devices.This is further expected to propel the market growth over the forecast period.For instance, in February 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendedepidural analgesia for healthy pregnant women for pain relief during labor.
Companies operating in the globalepidural anesthesia disposable devices market include B. Braun Melsungen AG,Becton, Dickinson and Company, Teleflex Incorporated, Smiths Medical, Sarstedt,Inc., Epimed, Egemen International, SFM Medical Devices, VOGT Medical, Vygon,and Flat Medical
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