
Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market – Insights
Electronic hearing protectiondevices protect the ear from damage due to exposure to high-decibel noise. Thedevice covers the entire ear including the lobe and seals in the sides of thehead with suitable cushion or pads. Electronic hearing protection devices aremajorly used to prevent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). NIHL can be causeddue to sustained exposure to noisy environments for a prolonged duration. Thecondition is painless and may lead to permanent loss of hearing ability.
Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market Taxonomy
The global electronic hearingprotection device market is classified on the basis of the following segments:
- Product Type:
- Electronic ear plugs
- Electronic ear muffs
- Connected
- Passive
- Uniform attenuated ear plugs
- Noise Reduction Rating:
- 10 – 20 decibel
- 20 – 30 decibel
- Above 30 decibel
- Application:
- Personal Usage
- Commercial Usage
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Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market: Drivers
Increasing prevalence of NIHL isa major factor boosting growth of the global electronic hearing protectiondevice market. For instance, according to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention’s 2011-2012 study (conducted on 10 million participants) concluded thataround 24% participants suffer from hearing loss in one or both ears due toexposure to noise.
Moreover, increasing number of safetyregulations related to workers safety is also expected to boost growth of theglobal electronic hearing protection device market. Workers employed in the construction,manufacturing, and industrial sector are exposed to high levels of noise thatcan result in permanent damage to ear. This has led several government and privateorganizations to encourage companies to follow various safety measures in orderto assure safe workplace. Such as “Buy Quiet” – an initiative by The NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), encourages companies topurchase or rent quieter machinery for new businesses and start-ups and toreplace the old machines to reduce noise pollution.
Increasing urbanization and highdemand for electronic hearing protection devices in the military sector is expectedto propel growth of the global electronic hearing protection device market. Forinstance, since 2014, the U.S. army has adopted the use of hearing protection devices,owing to increasing cases of hearing loss from explosives. Moreover, increasingdemand for tailored hearing protection devices and acoustic filters is alsoexpected to contribute to growth of the market. For instance, in 2016, UnitedScience developed 3D scanning technology for 3D printing of inner and outercanal for customized perfect sized ear buds. Such devices were designed for usefor military personnel.
Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market: Restraints
However, use of low cost manualear plugs for hearing protection and lack of awareness, high costs, and lowavailability of electronic hearing protection devices is expected to hamper growthof the global electronic hearing protection device market.
Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market: Regional Analysis
North America is expected to holddominant position in the global electronic hearing protection device market,followed by Europe, over the forecast period. This is attributed to increasingdisposable income and easy availability of electronic hearing protection devicesin the region. Increasing awareness about the devices and rapid industrializationis expected to boost growth of the market in Asia Pacific.
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Major Electronic HearingProtection Devices in the Market
Key electronic hearing protectiondevices in the market include, 3 Pelto Food Industry Earmuff H9A-02, 10/cs(3M), Leightning L0f (Honeywell International Inc.), 3M PeltorPTL Earmuffs(3M), SoundGear (Starkey Laboratories India Pvt. Ltd.), Viking V1 (HoneywellInternational Inc.), 2H Synergy (Hellberg Safety Ab), 2C Synergy (HellbergSafety Ab), and Secure 2H Active (Hellberg Safety Ab)
Global Electronic HearingProtection Device Market: Competitive Landscape
Major players in the market arefocused on adopting product development strategies to expand their productportfolio. For instance, in January 2017, 3M launched new PELTOR Sportelectronic hearing protectors at Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOTShow) held in Las Vegas, U.S.
Key players in the market arefocused on adopting M&A strategies to expand their product portfolio. Forinstance, in December 2018, Amplifon, an Italy-based hearing aid retailer,acquired GAES Group, a Spain-based privately owned hearing care retailer.
Major players in the market are alsofocused on adopting collaboration strategies expand their product portfolio.For instance, in April 2018, Amplifon partnered with Sonar+D to exploreinnovative solutions for hear loss.
Major players operating in theglobal electronic hearing protection device market include, Amplifon, HellbergSafety AB, Starkey Laboratories India Pvt. Ltd., 3M, Honeywell InternationalInc., Siemens Healthcare GmbH, and Centurion Safety Products Ltd.
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