
An infrared thermometer measures thetemperature of an object by using an infrared electromagnetic spectrum,infrared radiation. An infrared thermometer is used in a variety of industriesand scientific research for a variety of purposes. The way infrared radiationis measured is with an infrared thermometer referred to as an infraredthermometer. For instance, they can be used to detect the thickness of anobject, whether it is wet dry, or somewhere in between. They can also be usedin applications where high temperatures are required, such as the medicalindustry or aerospace applications. Some models will even include contactsensors, which detect temperature changes on surfaces. Depending on the kind ofsensor included, the temperatures can range from zero to temperatures of 500degrees or more.
The greatest advantage of an infraredthermometer lies in its ability to pinpoint the location of a certain object.Since the emitted IR energy comes in waves, an infraredthermometer may be able to determine the temperature at any point onthe surface it's been pointed at. However, an incorrect reading may still leaveroom for error, especially in surface-based applications. There are alsothermometers available that utilize a combination of heat and IR beams tobetter pinpoint a part of a material, rather than just relying on only onemeasurement. These models combine both infrared and visible light to better pinpointa weak spot in an item's insulation. This means the infrared thermometer maymark down a portion of the wall or other insulating material to reveal whethera part of the insulation is leaking. While this may not offer much relief to aleaky pipe, it may make repairs easier.
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