
CMI published a business research report on “DeepBrain Stimulation Devices Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size,Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecasts 2021–2026”. Deep Brain Stimulation Devices with 100+ market data Tables, Pie Chat,Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand detailedanalysis. The information is gathered based on modern floats and requestsidentified with the administrations and items.
Deep Brain Stimulation Devices Market report includes historic data,present market trends, environment, technological innovation, upcomingtechnologies and the technical progress in the related industry. Deep BrainStimulation Devices Market offers complete, proficient report delivering marketresearch data that is relevant for new market entrants or set up players. Keystrategies of the companies operating in the market and their impact analysishave been included in the report.
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Deep Brain StimulationDevices Market- Insights
A deep brain stimulation (DBS) device, also known asbrain pacemaker, helps to decrease the symptoms of neurological disorders suchas the Parkinson’s disease (PD). One of the three U.S. Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approved brain sites can be used to implant a DBS deviceto block the electrical signals from these sites to the brain. These sitesinclude the ventrointermedialis (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus, subthalamicnucleus (STN), and globus pallidus pars interna (GPi). DBS surgery is used inthe treatment of patients suffering from PD for at least four years and are onmedications albeit with motor complications.
There are several other surgical options such asThalamotomy and Pallidotomy. However, the high preference for DBS is attributedto its reversible approach and no need for destruction of tissue.
Increasing approval and launch of novel devices isexpected to boost growth of the global deep brain stimulation devices market
Increasing focus of major market players towardsdevelopment and launch of novel DBS devices is expecte to propel the marketgrowth. For instance, in January 2019, Boston Scientific Corporation launchedtwo new DBS devices namely the Vercise Primary Cell (PC) and Vercise Gevia DeepBrain Stimulation (DBS) systems. Similarly, in June 2015, the U.S. Food andDrug Administration (FDA) approved St. Jude Medical’s Brio NeurostimulationSystem, a DBS device that helps to reduce symptoms of PD and essential tremors.Therefore, increasing launch and approval of such novel devices is expected toboost growth of the global deep brain stimulation devices market over theforecast period.
Major market players are also focused on launchingupgraded versions of their already approved DBS devices in the market. Forinstance, in August 2018, Abbott Laboratories received the U.S. FDA approvalfor an over-the-air software upgrade for all currently implanted Infinity DBSsystems that deliver magnetic resonance (MR)-conditional labeling. Therefore,approval and launch of such upgraded DBS devices is expected to createconducive environment for the market growth over the forecast period.
The global deep brain stimulation devices market size was valued at US$831.6 Mn in 2018, and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.7% over the forecastperiod (2020 – 2027).
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High prevalence of diseasessuch as Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy is expected to fuel the global deepbrain stimulation devices market growth
Increasing prevalence of PD isexpected to boost demand for DBS devices. For instance, according to theParkinson’s Disease Foundation, as of 2016, over 10 million people aresuffering from Parkinson’s disease, worldwide. The findings published by theorganization demonstrated that incidence rate of PD increases with age and only4% of people were diagnosed with PD before the age of 50 years. According tothe same source, in 2017, the incidence rate of PD in the U.S is as high as60,000, annually.
Moreover, according toParkinson’s Australia Inc. around 11,544 new cases of PD were diagnosed inAustralia in 2014. According to the statistics released by Parkinson Canada,the number of people suffering from PD in Canada is expected to reach over163,700 by 2031 (double than the prevalence in 2011).
Increasing prevalence of epilepsyis also expected to boost demand for DBS devices. For instance, according tothe data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2015,around 1.2% of the U.S. population suffered from active epilepsy, which wasaround 3.4 million people and included 3 million adults and 470,000 children.
Therefore, high prevalence of PDand epilepsy worldwide is expected to drive the global deep brain stimulationdevices market growth over the forecast period.
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