
Corneal Topographers Market -Market Dynamics
Increasing number of populationfacing cataract related eye problem and refractive error is a major factorcontributing to significant growth of CornealTopographer Market. Moreover, the market is expected to witness positivegrowth with high prevalence of cataract and refractive error diseasesworldwide, as corneal topographer is important imaging device to evaluate pre andpost cataract and refractive error surgery.
According to the 2017 factsheetby World Health Organization (WHO), around 253 million people worldwide sufferfrom vision impairment, 36 million are blind, and 217 million have moderate tosevere vision impairment. Moreover, the statistics indicate that refractiveerrors are the first cause of visual impairment and the second cause of visualloss worldwide, as 43% of visual impairments are attributed to refractiveerrors.
Moreover, international andnational efforts to increase awareness about cataract would help improvecataract surgeries thereby increased use of corneal topographer, World HealthOrganization (WHO) and Task Force of International NGO have jointly prepared andlaunched a common agenda for global action called ‘The Vision 2020- the rightto sight’ in 1999 with aim to eliminate blindness worldwide by 2020.
However, complications andpost-surgery errors observed with LASIK surgeries to correct refractive error maydeter the market growth. According to a report by the U.S Food and DrugAdministration (FAD), 2017, 45% of refractive error surgeries observe some formof error. Moreover, some clinicians prefer other technique such as opticalbiometry, pachymetry over corneal topography, which further may limit growth ofthe corneal topographer market.
Corneal topographer is anon-invasive imaging device that allows mapping and examination of the cornealsurface. Topographer provides detailed description of various curvature andshape characteristics of cornea. Mapping the topography of cornea is importantfor assessing quality of vision as refractive power of the eye significantlydepends on cornea and overall corneal health.
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Corneal topography withtopographers is used in cataract surgery (to study post-surgery astigmatism),in refractive surgery such as LASIK (to screen candidates for normal cornealshape, patterns and ruling out suspicious or keratoconic patterns) or in assessingcontact lenses fitting. Moreover, it helps in determining the suspect of theKeratoconus (intraocular pressure imparts the cone shape to cornea), incisionplacement and intrastromal ring placement in keratoconus, and to study anddiagnose corneal and ocular surface disorders such as pterygium, limbaldermoid, and localized corneal scars. Topographer thus, plays an important rolein diagnosing and treating major eye diseases related with cornea.
Corneal Topographers Market -Regional Insights
On the basis of Geography,corneal topographers market is segmented into North America, Latin America,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America is expected tohold dominant position in the corneal topographers market during forecastperiod. The U.S. has one of highest population of contact lens users in theworld. According to Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2017,around 45 million people in the U.S. wear contact lenses. The average age ofcontact lens wearers in the U.S. is 31 years. Corneal topographers would be ofmaximum utility for ophthalmologist and optician with such high user base forcontact lens, which in turn is expected to boost growth of the corneal topographersmarket in the region.
Moreover, high preference forLASIK surgeries to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness is expected topropel growth of the market. This is owing to use corneal topographer in LASIKsurgeries to evaluate the extent to which corneal changes are required to bedone, with the help of topographic map of cornea. According to statistics byNational Eye Institute in 2010, Astigmatism— the root cause for refractiveerrors, affects around 1 in every 3 people and may occur in combination withnear- or farsightedness.
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Asia Pacific is expected towitness a positive market growth, owing to high number of cataract patients andproportionate rise in cataract surgeries. According study published in AdvancedMedical and Health Research in 2015, overall prevalence of blindness is 1.1%,the principal cause for this blindness is cataract (62.6%) which affects over 9million people.
Corneal Topographers Market -Competitive Landscape
Key players operating in thecorneal topographers Market include, Alcon plc., Abbott Laboratories, TopconCorporation, Allergan, Inc., Essilor International SA, Bausch Health Companies,Inc., Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., STAAR Surgical Company,NIDEK Co., Ltd., and Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc.
Key players are focused onlaunching novel topographers that are designed to use with specific applicationsuch as cataract surgery, contact lens fitting. Moreover, products that combinecorneal topography with optical biometry, pachymetry and techniques forcomprehensively measuring and assessing corneal surface are being developed.For instance,
In November 2017, Johnson andJohnson Vision granted with FDA approval for iDESIGN System for LASIK, fortreatment of hyperopia – with and without astigmatism. The iDESIGN Systemrequires less time for procedures as it can capture five different measurementssuch as wavefront aberrometry, wavefront refraction, corneal topography,keratometry, and pupillometry in a single capture sequence.
In January 2017, Topcon MedicalSystem’s Aladdin Biometer with corneal topographer HW3.0 was granted with FDAapproval for distribution in the U.S. New version of this topographic systemconsists of lens thickness, central pachymetry, and a generic toric IOLcalculator that expands the capabilities of the device.
In 2016, Bausch + Lomb,introduced the ORBSCAN 3 anterior segment analyzer, which is the thirdgeneration of the multidimensional ORBSCAN topographer.
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