
The global ClinicalDecision Support System Market by Products (Stand Alone CDSS and IntegratedCDSS), by Component (Hardware, Software, and Services), by Mode of Delivery (OnPremise CDSS and Cloud based CDSS), by Application (Diagnosis Support,Prescription Support, Clinical Alert and Clinical Guideline, and Others), byEnd User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Centers, Clinics, and Others ), and by Region(North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)was valued at US$ 767.4 million in 2017, and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of11.69% over the forecast period (2018 – 2026).
Clinical decision support is aprocess for enhancing health-related decisions and actions with structuredclinical knowledge and patient information to improve health and healthcaredelivery. Various stakeholder in information exchange are physicians, nurses,patients, and others involved in patient care delivery. Clinical support systemdelivers clinical knowledge, guideline based inputs, and intelligently processedactionable patient data (e.g. Drug interaction events for specific patient inpast which would be shown at CDSS handled by physician). Furthermore, itprovides data and order entry facilities, reference information, clinicalalerts, and others. Increasing incidences of medication errors and hospitalreadmission due to inadequate health outcome are expected to promote wideadoption of the clinical decision support system. According to World HealthOrganization (WHO) report, in 2017, medication error cost around US$ 42 billionannually worldwide. An estimated 43 million patient safety incidence occursannually. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ)Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project in 2011, around 3.3 million adult hospitalreadmissions were reported within 30-day in the U.S. due to all-causes(e.g.Heart attack, Heart failure, Pneumonia and Chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease etc.) and it inculcated cost of around US$ 41.3 billion. Clinicaldecision support systems is expected to witness significant growth in developedeconomies such as North America and Europe. Healthcare legislations such asProtecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA), which was passed in 2014 and tookeffect from 2017, PAMA pleads for EHR based Incentive Reimbursement Program byapplying principle of ‘Meaningful Use’. For instance, under this law, providersof radiology services will be required to offer CDSS to ordering physicians.The law says that the physicians who provide diagnostic interpretation will bepaid only for those claims that confirm a certified CDSS was used.
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New product launches,collaborations, and acquisitions by key players are expected to drive growth ofthe clinical decision support system market
Key players are launchinginnovative products in the endoscopy market in order to maintain leadingposition in market. These new products could be easily integrated withElectronic Health Record (EHR), Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)system thereby avoiding duplication of work. New systems has cloud-basedsupport system that allows CDSS to get updated continuously for new clinicaldata, evidence and other information to help in prescription, diagnosis therebyproviding quality health care. In 2017, Change Healthcare launched the newversion of InterQual clinical decision support system, which consist ofMedicare Procedures (U.S. State insurance) with efficient set of criteria,review, and other features that better help decision-making. For instance, thissystem Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service’s geometric mean length ofstay data that provide target length of stay for Medicare beneficiary. It hasmore automation and knowledge-based search features and large drug registry.
Browse 31 Market Data Tables and35 Figures spread through 177 Pages and in-depth TOC on “Clinical Decision andSupport System Market”- by Products (Stand Alone CDSS and Integrated CDSS), byComponent (Hardware, Software and Services), by Mode of Delivery (On PremiseCDSS and Cloud based CDSS), by Application (Diagnosis Support, PrescriptionSupport, Clinical Alert and Clinical Guideline and Others), by End User(Hospitals, Ambulatory Centers, Clinics and Others ), and by Region (NorthAmerica, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa)
Market players are undergoingstrategic collaborations and leveraging each other’s strength to offerinnovative product. In July 2018, Cerner and Lumeris, announced a 10-yearstrategic collaborations to provide solutions to eliminate inefficiencies inthe current health care system. Through this collaborations two companies wouldlaunch product named Maestro Advantage. This new product would provideactionable data and insights with healthcare provider workflows, combiningexisting investment in digitized data and processes. Maestro Advantage wouldhelp physician to effectively assess risk and create interventions and bettermaximize outcomes for patients In June 2018, Allscripts and MedAware, which isIsraeli patient safety solutions announced that both companies are developingmedication-related decision support at the point of care. Through thiscollaborations, Allscripts' dbMotion solution would be having point of careintervention solution of MedAware. This intervention use ArtificialIntelligence to monitor a patient's medications and clinical records, whichcould reduce medication-related risks (adverse drug events or a patient's riskof developing opioid dependency)
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Key Takeaways of the ClinicalDecision and Support System Market:
The global clinical decisionsupport system market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 11.69% over the forecastperiod, owing to increasing awareness regarding benefits of CDSS, increasingincidence of medical error, hospital readmissions, and adverse drug event
Among product type, integratedclinical decision support system segment is expected to hold dominant positionin the market, as electronic health record and computerized physician orderentry are majorly updated for integrating with CDSS to provide better clinicaljudgment, and provide benefit of synergy. Among component, service segment isexpected to dominate the market, as cloud-based services are expected towitness significant growth. Among mode of delivery, cloud-based system segmentis expected to dominate the market, owing to increasing adoption of cloud basedhealth IT solutions by healthcare provider
Among end users, hospitalssegment holds dominant position in market, as increasing complex data base withspecialized need of care for each patient and vast database generated in theprocess demands for comprehensive and evidence based input to provide qualitycare to patients.
North America is expected to bethe dominant region in the clinical decision support system market, followed byEurope. The U.S. invests major amount over healthcare in the world, and it isfocused to provide value-based care, which could be attended effectively byimplementing CDSS. Value based care involves providers to be paid based onpatient health outcomes which means providers are rewarded if patients improvetheir health, reduce the effects and incidence of chronic disease. CDSS wouldbe important in this value based care ecosystem. Key players are also launchingnew products into market, which is expected to propel growth of market in theregion.
Key players operating in theclinical decision support system market include Cerner Corporation, AllscriptsHealthcare Solutions, Inc., IBM Watson Health, GE Healthcare, ChangeHealthcare, Zynx Health, Carestream Health Inc., First Databank, Inc., NextGenHealthcare Information Systems, Agfa Healthcare, Medical Information TechnologyInc., Athena Health, Wolters Kluwer NU, Siemens Healthineers, and PhilipsHealthcare.
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