
Commodity chemicals, or bulk commodities or bulk chemicals,are chemicals produced on a large scale to meet the increasing demand of theglobal market. These chemicals tend to be the main moneymakers for bigcompanies. Commodity chemicals include petrochemicals, basic inorganicchemicals, polymers, and fertilizers. They are generally produced in largequantities at a lower price. Moreover, they act as an intermediate to produceother chemicals, which are then used to manufacture a wide variety of productsin various end-use industries such as tires, plastics, apparels, adhesives, andconstruction, among others.
Commoditychemicals have been around for centuries. The earliest versions werecreated around 1700 when a mad scientist supposedly discovered a way to createa synthetic form of sugar. Since then, this discovery has enabled massproduction of countless synthetic chemicals that we use every day. In fact, thelist of potential substances with chemical names is seemingly endless. Fromsynthetic rubbers to plastic replacement parts to synthetic fuel, the scope andsheer quantity of potential substances are staggering. Many of these substanceshave been produced synthetically, but some have not.
There are countless types of commodity chemicals, eachhaving their own specific uses, as well as a wide range of uses. Commoditychemicals are of two types, such as organic and inorganic. They find variousapplications in dyes, plastics, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibers,pigments, mining, and agricultural chemicals. Moreover, commodity chemicalshave direct or indirect application in a wide range of end use industries fromautomotive to the personal care products industry, and several manufacturingindustries.
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