
Cellulite Treatment Market –Regional Insights
On the basis of the region, theglobal CelluliteTreatment Market is segmented into North America, Latin America, Europe,Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America holds the dominantposition in the global market, owing to adoption of the innovative medicalproducts and treatments, For instance, in 2015, The Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approved Cellina, a non-invaise cellulite treatment.Moreover U.S is observing fast increase in aging population, is expected tocreate robust demand for aesthetic repair market services in the country. Forinstance, According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(ASAPS) 2016 report, it was estimated that over 11 million aesthetic procedureswere performed by board?certified specialists, of which 16.5% were surgicalprocedures and 83.5% were non?surgical procedures.
Cellulite Treatment Market – Dynamics
One of the major driverspropelling growth of the cellulite treatment market is the growing obesepopulation. For instance, according to 2014 National Institute of Diabetes andDigestives and Kidney Diseases report, 2 in 3 adults (70.2 percent) werediagnosed with obesity in the U.S. Moreover, advancements in technology such asCellulaze™ the world's first and only minimally invasive medical devicedesigned to eliminate cellulite which uses SideLight 3D side-firing technologyto target the causes of cellulite beneath the skin, are boosting the growth ofthe cellulite treatment market size. For instance, according to 2017, AmericanSociety of Plastic Surgeons report, around 1.8 million cosmetic surgicalprocedures were performed in 2017. Growing inclination towards achieving a slimbody, lighter complexion, and better skin is also boosting demand for cosmetictreatment for cellulite. Furthermore, various technological advancement such asuser-friendly pen shaped portable laser medical devices, is expected to boostgrowth of the market.
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However, a major factorrestraining growth of the cellulite treatment market is a popular alternativeherbal massage treatment, which includes acupuncture, gua sha, and cuppingtechniques. Furthermore, high cost of cosmetic surgeries are expected to hamperthe market growth.
Cellulite is a condition in whicha person’s skin of their thighs, buttocks, and hips appears dimpled. Commonnames for cellulite include cottage cheese skin, orange-peel skin, hail damage,and the mattress phenomenon. This condition is commonly observed in women thanin men due to the fat deposition in a normal women represents between 18% and20% of body weight, whereas in men it represents only 10% to 15%. According to2015, article published by American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, around 80and 90 percent of women are affected by cellulite at some point in their lives.Appearance of lumpiness beneath the skin due to fat deposits distorts andpushes the connective tissues, thus leads to the characteristic of cottoncheese appearance of the skin. Causes of cellulite are unidentified, however itseems to result from an interface between the fat layer and connective tissuein the dermatological layer, which is below the surface of the skin. Hormonessuch as noradrenaline, insulin, estrogen, prolactin, thyroid hormones play asignificant role in cellulite development. Moreover, other factors such asgenetics, age, diet, and lifestyle also affect cellulite development. Cellulitetreatment market is significantly gaining traction due to increasing prevalenceof obesity.
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Asia Pacific is expected towitness significant growth in the market over the forecast period, owing togrowing obese population in this region and increasing disposable income amongthe populace in the region. According to2017 Asian Development Bank Institute report Asia and the Pacific region ishome to the largest absolute number of overweight and obese people, equivalentto about 1 billion.
Cellulite Treatment Market –Competitive Insights
Key players operating in theglobal cellulite treatment market include Tanceuticals, LLC., Nubway, MerzPharma GmbH & Co. KGaA, Zimmer Aesthetics, Cymedics, Cynosure, Inc.,Inceler Medikal Co. Ltd., and Syneron Medical Inc. Market players are focusedtowards collaborations and providing technologically advanced products tosustain their presence in the market.
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