
Do you know if you do not define the distribution of your belongings and assets before you die, your family might go through a legal procedure for a very long time? They might have to go through probate, an unnecessarily exhausting lengthy process. Therefore, you should meet an estate planning attorney Bloomfield Hills MI beforehand and solve the issue before it even arrives.
If you need an estate planning attorney, you can visit Castle Wealth Group Legal. The legal group has been with the people in Michigan for years. They ensure their clients' families do not have to go through probate. Here are a few ways attorneys from Castle Wealth Group Legal suggest avoiding probate.
Creating a Living Trust:
The easiest way to avoid probate is to develop a living trust. It is one of the most convenient, flexible, and beneficial tools to avoid probate. Firstly, you can define the transfer of your belongings to your heirs. On the other hand, you can add all your belongings, like bank accounts, personal properties, real estate, etc., to your living trust. You can take help from the expert estate planning attorney Ann Arbor from Castle Wealth Group Legal. They will help you develop a living trust that does not let your heirs face any legal issues. Moreover, you can add and deduct the clauses in the living trust anytime.
Setting Up Payable-On-Death Accounts:
Sometimes, inheritors have to wait till the end of the probate to get access to your funds. But setting up a payable-on-death account can help them get access to your funds even before the probate ends. The attorneys at Castle Wealth Group Legal can help you understand the legalities and procedures related to opening these accounts. Moreover, they can help inheritors after your death without any hassle.
Many Ann Arbor probate lawyers suggest people transfer their assets to their inheritors as a gift. When you choose the gifting option, your assets will not go through the probate. Additionally, you can avoid probate taxes on those gifted assets. In this way, they can reduce probate costs too. If you need help regarding this, you can always rely on attorneys from Castle Wealth Group Legal. They know how to use an asset as a gift for your inheritors. So, contact these experts from this legal group to get the best solutions.
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