
BRAFkinase inhibitors is an enzyme inhibitor used in the treatment of various typesof cancer including breast, ovarian, cervical, kidney, pancreatic, skin, prostate,and possibly many others. In cancer, the goal is to attack cancer cells withoutkilling healthy cells. This is accomplished by using multiple biologicalapproaches, such as chemotherapy, surgery, and targeted therapies.Unfortunately, some cancers become resistant to common cancer treatments. Tocombat these "superbugs," physicians have developed novel strategiesin the fight against melanoma and other cancers.
BRAF kinaseinhibitors are used incombination with targeted therapies to target mutations in the immune systemthat cause malignancy. These compounds work in two ways. They either recognizethe mutation and stop the enzyme from working, or they interfere with thesignal that the enzyme uses to carry out its function. This leads to decreasedproliferation and increased localization of the mutation.
Inrecent studies, BRAF kinase inhibitors have shown promise in helping to controlthe growth of certain tumors. One study found that, when administered alone,they had very limited effect. But, when combined with kinase dimer proteins,they proved effective in inhibiting the signaling between cells. These studiesare particularly promising because, until recently, it was not clear how suchparadoxical activation of the immune system, which appears to be at work inmost malignancies, might affect the disease.
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