
Global Blood Irradiation Market –Regional Insights
Based on the region, the global BloodIrradiation Market is segmented into North America, Europe, Latin America,Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. North America accounted for the dominantposition in the blood irradiation market, owing to growing awareness among thepopulation regarding blood related diseases and launch of new innovativetechnology in the field of healthcare.
For instance, in 2017, TypenexMedical launched Rad-Control, a new irradiation indicator tag technology forblood centers and blood banks in Canada and the U.S. This checks bloodirradiation by visual verification, minimizes current documentation practices,and increases efficiency for healthcare staff.
Asia Pacific is expected to showsignificant growth in the global blood irradiation market followed by Europe.Rising population vulnerable to various chronic diseases and governmentinvolvement in maintaining safety standards for new product launches isexpected to propel the blood irradiation market growth in the region. Forinstance, in 2015, UVLrx Therapeutics received CE Marking (European Conformity)for its intravenous UV light therapy device, that offers intravenous,concurrent delivery of ultraviolet-A (UVA), and multiple visible lightwavelengths.
Blood irradiation is a therapy inwhich blood components are irradiated prior to transfusion, to preventproliferation of certain types of T lymphocytes. These T lymphocytes inhibitthe immune responses and can cause a rare graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) withserious complication due to blood transfusion caused by white blood cells. Asmall number of white blood cells can recognize the different blood in the bodywhich may cause serious illness or death.
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Irradiated blood is treated withUV, X-rays or other forms of radioactive methods. Blood irradiation treated withUV rays is beneficial to cancer patients as it strengthens the immune systemand improves overall health.
Ultraviolet rays restrain viral,bacterial, and fungal growth and improves the body’s ability to detoxify andinactive toxins, which can further assist in the other cancer treatments. Basedon this technique, three types of blood irradiation are available in the marketi.e. intravenous laser blood irradiation, transcutaneous laser bloodirradiation, and extracorporeal blood irradiation.
Global Blood Irradiation MarketDynamics
Increasing global populationvulnerable to various communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) suchas cancer, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure disease, stroke andcardiovascular diseases, which is expected to drive the global bloodirradiation market growth. For instance, according to the World Bank’s 2016report, the global population reached up to 7.44 billion.
According to a report by WorldHealth Organization (WHO) 2018, non-communicable diseases cause around 41million deaths each year, which is equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally.Also, cardiovascular diseases account for 17.9 million deaths each year,followed by other respiratory diseases (3.9 million), diabetes (1.6 million),and cancer (9.0 million) respectively. Such increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases boosts demand for quicker blood stream treatment, whichin turn is expected to significantly propel growth of the blood irradiationmarket.
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Infections in the blood streamare diagnosed and irradiated by laser irradiation therapies. Increasing use ofsuch therapies is driving manufacturers to develop innovative blood irradiationsystems for improved health treatments, which is directly boosting the marketgrowth. For instance, in 2017 thriveMD, a U.S.-based company, introducedultraviolet blood irradiation (UVB) therapy, which is a photo-oxidationtreatment that briefly exposes a sample of the blood to ultraviolet light.
However, regulatory policiesregarding the medical systems and lack of skilled professionals in emergingeconomies are likely to hamper the market growth. For instance, The Center forBiologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) regulates the collection of blood andblood components used for transfusion, CBER develops and enforces qualitystandards, inspects blood establishments and monitors reports of errors,accidents and adverse clinical events.
Global Blood Irradiation Market –Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in theglobal blood irradiation market include Typenex Medical, UVLrx Therapeutics,Best Theratronics, Hitachi Medical Systems, Actemium NDT-PES, Rad SourceTechnologies, and Gilardoni S.p.A. Market players are engaged in adoptingstrategies such as mergers, collaborations, new product launches, andpartnerships to retain their position in the market. For instance, in 2017Typenex Medical exclusively partnered with a European manufacturer- On Point IndicatorsGmbH, to offer its product to customers.
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