
AutomaticStair Climbing Wheelchair Market, by mode of operation (Manual andPowered), by End Users (Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, Home Care Settings,and Others), and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America,Middle East, and Africa) - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018– 2026
Automatic stair climbingwheelchair is designed for individuals having limited lower extremity mobilityconditions associated with spinal cord injuries, stroke, traumatic brain injuryor multiple sclerosis. This wheelchairs allow the user to move in a variety ofpositions such as reclining, standing, being lowered to the ground, and beingelevated. Stair climbing wheelchair are categorized into continuous,intermittent, and auxillary. Electric-powered wheelchair with stair-climbingability is major requirement for many of the patients and elderly people sufferingfrom walking dysfunction.
Automatic Stair ClimbingWheelchair Market Driver
Increasing initiatives by themajor players to develop innovative products is expected to fuel automaticstair climbing wheelchair market growth. For instance, in 2017, a team inZurich introduced the Scewo.
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Scewo is self-balancing stairclimbing wheelchair that can go up and down stairs independently and smoothlyand provides features useful for navigating over obstacles. By using multiplerubber tracks, it can provide smooth and safe ride on the stairs. Furthermore,in 2015, a team in Zurich launched the Scalevo, the original prototype consistof two big wheels with a Segway-styled balancing system to navigate flatground.
However, high cost of theautomatic stair climbing wheelchairs is expected to hamper the market growth.For instance, in 2003, the subsidiary firm by Johnson Company in USA developedIBOT, a stair climbing wheelchair. The price of IBOT was so high that most ofpeople could not afford it and it was discontinued in 2009.
Automatic Stair Climbing WheelchairMarket Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, theglobal automatic stair climbing wheelchair market is segmented into NorthAmerica, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.
Geographically, North Americaregion is expected to hold the largest market share for automatic stairclimbing wheelchair market, owing to rising number of people with disabilitiesin the US. For instance, in 2016, American Community Survey (ACS), estimatedthat rate of people with disabilities in the U.S. population was 12.8%. Thepercentage of people with a disability has increased from 11.9% in 2010, to12.8% in 2016.
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Moreover, Asia Pacific isanticipated to witness significant growth in automatic stair climbingwheelchair market attributed to presence of major players in this region. Forinstance, in May 2016, Toyota, the automobile company, joined Kamen's companyDEKA, to support mobility solutions for the disabled community. This agreementwas made to develop and launch the next generation of the IBOT. The IBOTmotorized wheelchair was launched back in 2001, by Segway inventor Dean Kamen.However, the price of IBOT was US$ 25,000 which was too expensive for themainstream market resulting into discontinuation of device in 2009.
Key players for automatic stairclimbing wheelchair market include TopChair, B-Free Technology Limited, Toyota,designboom, Vin Grace Solutions (P) Ltd., and Johnson and Johnson.
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