
An Insight into Hyperledger Tools
What’s great?
-The Hyperledger umbrella project offers various blockchain-based frameworks and tools for enterprises.
-If you’re planning a Hyperledger-based project, it always pays off to understand what they are first.
-We’ll be looking at some of the tools available with Hyperledger and what they can do. So, let’s get started!
Hyperledger Avalon
-Avalon is a ledger independent implementation of the TrustedCompute Specifications published by the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
-It aims to enable the secure movement of blockchain processing off the main chain to dedicated computing resources.
-Avalon is designed to help developers gain the benefits of computational trust and mitigate its drawbacks.
Hyperledger Cactus
-Hyperledger Cactus is an Apache V2-licensed open source software development kit (SDK).
-It is designed and architected to help maximize pluggability so that anyone can use it to connect any DLT to others.
-This can also be done by implementing a plugin.
-This pluggable architecture helps enable the execution of ledger operations across multiple blockchain ledgers.
Hyperledger Caliper
-Caliper is a benchmark tool for blockchain frameworks and relies on functioning blockchain implementation as the benchmarking target.
-Caliper is not intended to make judgments and will not publish benchmark results, but provide benchmark tools for users.
-It will produce reports containing a number of performance indicators, such as TPS, transaction latency, resource utilization, etc.
-The key component is the adaptation layer, which is introduced to integrate multiple blockchain solutions into the Caliper framework.
Hyperledger Cello
-Cello serves as the operational dashboard for Blockchain, which reduces the effort required for creating, managing and using blockchains.
-Cello is primarily a tool for DevOps, or the connection between development teams and production
-Common lifecycle and deployment tasks include starting, stopping, and deleting a blockchain, deploying new nodes, abstracting the blockchain to run on local machines, etc.
Hyperledger Explorer
-Explorer is a Web application tool to view or invoke transactions and other information stored in a Hyperledger blockchain deployment.
-The explorer is a useful tool in finding and understanding otherwise machine-readable data stored as encrypted ledger entries.
-The tool also provides enterprise-level visualizations that can help decision makers, through intuitive graphs, charts, and tables.
-It is to be used specifically on deployments of blockchains created using the Hyperledger umbrella.
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