
Acute Heart Failure (AHF)Therapeutics Market Drivers
The global AcuteHeart Failure Therapeutics Market is expected to witness significant growthdue to approval of new drugs. For instance, in July 2015, Novartis receivedU.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for their Entresto(TM)(sacubitril/valsartan) tablets on the treatment of heart failure with reducedejection fraction. Entresto is indicated to reduce the risk of cardiovasculardeath and heart failure hospitalization.
Furthermore, robust pipeline ofdrugs over the forecast period (2018-2026), is another factor driving growth ofacute heart failure therapeutics market. For instance, in March 2017, CardioxylPharmaceuticals’ CXL-1427: a novel nitroxyl (HNO) donor (prodrug), which nowoperates under the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (after CardioxylPharmaceuticals’ acquisition by Bristol-Myers Squibb in December 2015); ispresent in Phase 2 clinical development phase. CXL-1427 is indicated to use asan intravenous treatment for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF).Successful completion and further launch of Bristol-Myers Squibb’s innovativedrug in future, will help to boost the acute heart failure (AHF) therapeuticsmarket growth during the forecast period.
Various lifestyle factors areresponsible to increase risk heart attack and stroke, which includes smoking,overweight, eating foods with high fat and cholesterol, and physicalinactivity. Furthermore, patients suffering with heart failure are at high riskto one or more conditions such as coronary artery disease, myocardialinfraction, high blood pressure or hypertension, abnormal heart valves, dilatedcardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, severe lung disease, obesity, andsleep apnea, among others. For instance, according to the World HealthOrganization (WHO), October 2017 data findings, in 2016, over 1.9 billionadults, were overweight, worldwide. Among which over 650 million were obese.Moreover, according to the same source, raised BMI index, owing to overweightand obesity are the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which wasthe leading cause of death in 2012, worldwide.
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Acute heart failure (AHF) is aprogressive condition, in which, the heart muscle is unable to pump enoughblood through the heart to meet body’ optimal blood and oxygen level.Congestive heart failure is type of heart failure which requires timely medicalattention. Moreover, distinguish between acute and chronic heart failure isimportant from a clinical standpoint, on which further medication depends. Forthis, N terminal proB-type natriuretic peptide levels are used fordistinguishing acute versus chronic left ventricular dysfunction. An elevatedlevels of natriuretic peptide were present in patients with acute heart failurecompared to those with chronic heart failure patient.
Heart failure symptoms varywidely from person to person, depending on types of heart failure patient. Themain symptoms of heart failure are caused due to fluid accumulation orcongestion and poor blood flow to the body. Symptoms caused by fluidaccumulation or congestion includes shortness of breath, weight gain, coughing,swollen ankles, legs or abdomen, while dizziness, rapid heart rate, and fatigueare symptoms associated with reduced blood flow to parts of the body.
Acute Heart Failure (AHF)Therapeutics Market Restraints
Acute heart failure is a commoncondition associated with considerable morbidity, mortality, and cost. However,evidence-based data on treating heart failure in the acute setting are limited,and current individual treatment options have variable efficacy. Furthermore,healthcare team often need to customize patient care in acute heart failuretreatment. For instance, dyspnea is the most common symptom associated with AHFpatients. However, this symptom is non-specific as other medical conditions arecommonly associated with dyspnea, including pneumonia, exacerbations of chronicobstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome, andasthma. This is another factor negatively affecting growth of the acute heartfailure (AHF) therapeutics market.
Acute Heart Failure (AHF)Therapeutics Market – Regional Analysis
Geographically, the market issegmented into North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Asia Pacific,and Africa. North America is expected to hold dominant position in global acuteheart failure (AHF) therapeutics market, due to high prevalence of acute heartfailure cases, in this region. For instance, according to Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), June 2016, around 5.7 million adults in the U.S.suffered from heart failure, in 2016. Moreover, about half of the people whodevelop heart failure die within 5 years of diagnosis.
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Furthermore, growing prevalenceof obesity have increased risk of developing acute heart failure (AHF).According to CDC, May 2017 data findings, between 2013 and 2014, 37.9% ofadults aged 20 years and over were obese, in the U.S. Therefore, highprevalence of risk factors and acute heart failure (AHF) cases in these regionare expected to drive growth of this market over the forecast period.
Asia Pacific acute heart failure(AHF) therapeutics market is projected to witness significant growth, due toincreasing focus of healthcare organizations in creating awareness regardingincreasing risk factors of acute heart failure. For instance, in June 2016,Fortis Hospital, India launched Fortis Heart Rhythm and Heart failure Centre inBangalore, to increase awareness among people regarding heart failure, stroke,and various other cardiovascular disease.
Acute Heart Failure (AHF)Therapeutics Market – Competitive Landscape
Some of the key players in thismarket are Novartis AG, Cardiorentis AG, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AmgenInc., Bayer AG, Cytokinetics, Inc., Merck & Company, Inc., OnoPharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Pfizer Inc., among others. Key players in themarker are engaged in development of new drugs for acute heart failure (AHF).These players are incorporating collaboration strategies to remain competitivein the market.
For instance, in October 2015,Cardiorentis AG announced plans to collaborate with Roche to establishtherapeutic efficacy and safety of Ularitide: Cardiorentis’ investigationaldrug for acute heart failure (AHF). Under the terms of collaboration, Cardiorentiswill incorporate Roche's advanced in vitro diagnostic tests into its TRUE-AHFPhase III study to characterize the pharmacological properties of Ularitide,evaluate its benefit-risk profile, and the appropriate clinical application inpatients.
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