
North America and Europe acute bacterial skin and skinstructure infections (ABSSSI), also known as skin and skin structure infections(SSSIs) or skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs), are infections of skin andassociated soft tissues, such as loose connective tissue and mucous membranes.ABSSSI are the type of skin and soft tissue infections that affect the epidermis,dermis, or subcutaneous tissues. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) definesABSSSI as lesions with cellulitis/erysipelas, wound infections, and majorcutaneous abscesses occurring in a minimum surface area of 75 cm2. ABSSSIrepresent one of the most common indications for antibiotic therapy and accountfor approximately 10% of hospital admissions in the U.S.
Acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI)are common in the United States. The vast majority of ABSSSI patients are men (althoughsome women may contract vaginal infections from having intercourse with aninfected male partner). Patients with no prior history of infections commonlydevelop SSSI after catheter insertions at unknown sites in the upper body. Infectionusually takes hold following a surgical procedure, accident, trauma, or injurythat damages tissues inside the abdomen. After a surgical procedure, damagedtissues can trap bacteria within them, triggering infections. Some patientswith injuries may contract infections when they try to heal by themselves orthrough passive absorption.
The most common sites for infections are in and around theabdominal viscera (lining the cavity below the liver and intestines); in andaround the peritoneal cavity (lining and covering the organs inside theabdomen); and in and around the pleura, the upper layer of the respiratorymembrane. Antibiotics may be recommended in many cases. To prevent thedevelopment of resistant strains of bacteria, doctors may also recommend thatpatients avoid certain foods or drink liquids, which may promote thedevelopment of the infection. NorthAmerica and Europe acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections(ABSSSI) affect the skin's dermal layers, which include epidermis, subcutaneousfat, subcutaneous muscle, and connective tissue.
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