
High content screening, also known as high-content analysis,is widely used in drug discovery and biological research to identify substancessuch as RNAi, peptides, or small molecules that alter the phenotype of a cellin a desired manner. This technique is used for almost all stages involved indrug discovery. This includes selectivity, cell sorting, permeability,absorption, and metabolism. In high content screening, cells are firstincubated with the substance and after a period of time, structures andmolecular components of the cells are analyzed. It is an approach to cellbiology that combines automated imaging and quantitative data analysis in ahigh-throughput format suitable for large-scale applications such as drugdiscovery.
High content screening is a methodused in many biochemistry studies and drug development to identify toxicmaterials that regulate the physiology of a particular cell in a targeted way.The toxicities of these substances may endanger human health if they areproduced in higher concentration than what the environment can tolerate. Thisis why high content screening is important for regulatory and industrialpharmaceutical companies. They use this method to evaluate potential new drugsbefore they are released into the market. Other uses include pre-clinical, pharmacological,and clinical trials.
Moreover, over the years, high content screening has emergedas one of the major tools for the researchers to study the gene and thecell-based assays. It is an important part of the gene sequencing because thegenetic variation and the cellular metabolism are very much similar in everysingle cell. It is an expensive process today to get the data collected fromthe molecular level. It requires several sophisticated devices for performingthe high content analysis like the blotting paper, the probes, the flowcytometer, the optical microscope etc. This can be a difficult task for anyresearcher. One of the important tool for high content screening is the newdrug delivery system that uses the protein complexes as delivery vehicles.
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