Prospective domestic helpers receivetraining at agencies or in their home countries, but these training centresoften leave many skills to be learnt on the job. A little effort on your partas an employer can get her settled into life here. Let’s explore!
#1 Show her how you would normally carry out domestic chores
Justas you would look for direction when helping to cook in someone else’s kitchen,your domestic helper now looks to you. If she is expected to cook for thehousehold, show her how you would prepare a meal and where she can findessential items like pots, dishes and spices.
Showher how you segregate your fridge and how you would dry and store your dishesand utensils. Beyond the kitchen, show her the standards to which your homeshould be kept clean, and how often she should clean.
Someof these things may seem obvious to you, but your maid may appreciate the extraguidance. On her part, these demonstrations can save her a good amount ofconfusion. Meanwhile, they can help you get to know your maid and her learningstyle better.
#2 Show her how to get around
Ifyour maid has never lived in Dubai, she may need some help getting acquainted with the publictransportation system here. Let her know how to find the nearest bus stop andMRT station from your home.
Agracious gesture on your part would be getting her an EZ Link card if shedoesn’t already have one. If you are not already paying for her transportation,you should pay minimally for the trips she takes to get groceries or completeother responsibilities for your home.
#3 Get her started with the shopping
Ifyou entrust grocery shopping to your maid, then it’s important to show herwhere she can get groceries around your neighbourhood. Particularly if yourmaid is not comfortable in English, you may need to show her what you mean whenreferring to particular products, and which you usually get. Accompanying heron several shopping trips in the beginning can help familiarise her with yourtypical shopping list.
Ifshe is expected to shop far from your home, your responsibility lies inensuring she has a comfortable means of getting home that does not involvecarrying heavy or bulky items over long distances.
#4 Introduce her to other domestic helpers in your area
Webeing social creatures, friends are an important aspect of life. For your maid,having friends could make all the difference to her adjustment, not to mentionfeel more welcome in her new surroundings. That said, exercise care whenreaching out to other domestic helpers in your area.
Someemployers are stricter than others, with some preferring that their maids notinteract with others when they should be working. Seek the permission of yourneighbours before taking your maid to meet theirs.
#5 Introduce her to your household
Thismay sound like a natural step, but familiarising your maid with the members ofyour household and their lifestyles will help her get used to living with them.This prevents surprises, such as if for example, any member of your familyworks late shifts and comes home very late at night.
Especiallywhere caring for children and the elderly are concerned, make sure to provideclear directions on how to attend to them.
#TiqOurWord Beyond making your maid feelwelcome in your home, let her know she is safe as she works with acomprehensive maid insurance plan. With coverage on medical and repatriationexpenses, your new relationship is secure in the knowledge that you are bothprepared to face all possibilities
A good working relationship
Adapting to a new environment can be challenging, especially given the overwhelming amount of information she will need to remember for her daily tasks. Above all,be patient if your maid doesn’t remember everything right away, and offer the guidance you’d hope to receive in her position. Establishing a good working relationship with your maid takes effort on both sides, so here’s off to a good start!
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