
Physical therapy for Neck pain Relief
The upper spine area, just below the head, is where the neck is felt. The pain can extend to the upper back areas like the shoulders and arms. You can opt for physical therapy for neck pain relief. Neck pain can be caused by sudden trauma like a fall, sports injury, a car accident, or extended-term spine issues.
Generally, adults between the ages of 30 - 50 years are affected with neck pain. Studies say that women are more at risk for neck pain than men. Poor posture, repetitive lifting, desk work, computer work, and involvement in athletic activity are the risk factors that result in neck pain.
Patients suffering from neck pain may feel difficult to perform routine activities such as working, driving, playing sports, or even turning their heads. Neck pain injury does not require any surgery, and it gets healed by practicing physical therapy. Physical therapy can help to reduce pain, allow us to perform routine activity, and regain normal movement.
Symptoms and Signs of Neck pain
Stiffness in the neck is experienced and might feel pain as below:
Shoulder blades, upper back, arms, hands, or shoulders may get affected by neck pain and irritated nerves. The condition is called "radiculopathy." A physical therapist will help you decide if this condition is severe and needs prior treatment. A therapist will work closely with your physician or surgeon to direct the proper treatment.
Signs of neck pain depend on the severity of the condition and the location of the injury.
You are unable to rotate your head
To look at your shoulder becomes difficult
You have weakness in the arms and shoulder muscles
To look up becomes difficult
Muscle spasms
Now have a look at few symptoms of neck pain:
Neck, shoulder, and arms have a feeling of numbness or tingling in arms.
The upper back, shoulder, arms, or hands are in pain.
Weak Arms
Pain while coughing or sneezing
Even you experience pain when you sit or stand
Tight muscles
Inability to sit and stand straight
Remained in one position for a more extended time, and you start feeling pain
Worse pain in night or morning
You sometimes can't sleep due to pain
How can Physical therapy help in Neck pain relief?
Physical therapy is a better treatment in comparison to surgery or taking medications. With the help of a physical therapist, you can have neck pain relief. The therapist will diagnose and prepare a customized treatment plan for your requirement to cure your condition. A set of exercise and treatment plans are suggested to practice at home. This helps to get back to an active life.
Physical therapy typically helps in neck pain relief as below:
Reduce stiffness and eliminate pain
Improve neck range of motion
The proper strategy is planned to avoid the recurring pain
Develop dynamic strengthening of the neck and its supporting muscles
Even if physical therapy cannot eliminate the pain, it will still help you improve your daily movements and ease your pain levels.
A therapist might advise you for :
After detecting the exact painful area, resting is suggested so the conditioning might not get worse.
Engage in an active routine, practice some simple exercise, and do routine activities.
Sitting for a long time is not advised. Go for a walk several times a day; movements will help you to reduce stiffness and make you feel better.
You can apply heat and ice packs every 2 hours on the affected area.
Simple neck movements can be done slowly. This will help your joints to get their flexibility back gradually.
Sit in a firm chair, as soft sittings can increase your problem.
Visit a physician if any further tests are needed and also ask them if medicines are required.
Methods in physical therapy treatment
Active physical therapy - The therapy includes functional movements like exercise and stretching of your body. If the strength and flexibility are improved, the pain reduces and will help in maintaining good posture. It also decreases stress on the cervical spine.
Passive physical therapy - Patients do not have to make any effort in treatment. Varied treatment methods like ultrasound, heat therapy, heat and ice packs, massage therapy, electrotherapy, etc., are used. Passive therapy's goal is to reduce swelling and pain.
Physical therapy is the best treatment if you want to avoid surgery and opioids. A certified and trained therapist is recommended. Your therapist will diagnose the condition of injury and suggest medicine that will help you eliminate pain and get overall neck pain relief. Also, one benefit of choosing physical therapy is that the therapist will also guide you to improve mobility and live a healthy painful life ahead. By this, you can also avoid any future injury.